Wednesday, July 31, 2019
“The Road†By Aaron Bellam Essay
History has had little conscience when it comes to human suffering and struggle. The world has brought us murder, torture, and terror in the packages of war, politics, and everyday human relationships. Religious battles keep racism, greed, and suffering real. The positive is not always apparent when one looks at human existence. Aside from the physical struggle humans had to endure and overcome, emotions also challenge us in hard times. Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, a story set after an apocalypse, takes the characters beyond physical challenges like cold and hunger. In their dystopia, the characters must also face their emotional struggles. As they journey across the dark, barren land, the boy and his father experience the feelings of desperation, fear and hope. The first emotion that urges the pair on in their journey is desperation. The father and son are desperate for many things; food, warmth, and not to be caught and raped by others. As well; the two are desperate to find and share with other good guys. The man and his emaciated bay have such a strong desperation to find food and food is so scarce that the pair finds â€Å"the bones of a small animal dismembered and placed in a pile, possibly a cat†. (McCarthy.2006.Pg26) This find is proof that other survivors have turned to alternate forms of food to try and give themselves energy for the trek. Warmth is another huge luxury that the father and his boy wish they had. After a find of supplies in an abandoned house, they ‘sat wrapped in the quilt naked while the man held the boy’s feet to his stomach to warm them. (McCarthy. 2006.Pg31). The man is obviously willing to do anything; he is determined to keep his son warm and comfortable, even if it takes away from his own comfort. Hiding from people looking to catch others to eat is a further element of despair the two are forced to cope with. Cannibals roam this dystopia. After finding people in a cellar, some with limbs chopped off, the son is left horrified. The man and the son are desperate to find other ‘good guys’ like them so that they aren’t alone. Moreover, there are many other emotions the trekkers are desperate for; however these four are some of the most pressing. Ironically, this ugly emotion helps to keep the two going. The second, and most important emotion that drives the father and his son forward, is Fear. The apocalypse has given the man and his son reason to be fearful of many things: Strangers, Starvation, and being alone. The father is so afraid of strangers that every time they come across another person he becomes very hostile. When they came upon a traveler, they followed him, perhaps because â€Å"The traveler was not one for looking back. They followed him for a while and then they overtook him.†(McCarthy.2006.Pg161) The man has changed drastically since his wife le ft him, and he has become very protective of his son. Starvation is another fear that drives them forward; food is very scarce and when they find food they do what they can to keep people from taking it from them. When the pair sees an old man called Ely walking down the street the father says I see and â€Å"the boy turned and looked at him. I know what the question is the man said. The answer is no. What question? Can we keep him? We can’t.†(McCarthy.2006.Pg.164). After the death of his father the boy is discovered by a family that had been following them. Even though the man had taught him to be very cautious around other people, the boy was very lonely and feared having to travel by himself ,so after making sure that they were â€Å"good guys†; he asked them â€Å"are you carrying the fire? Am I what? Carrying the fire. You’re kind of weirded out, aren’t you? No. Just a little. Yeah. That’s ok. So are you? What, carrying the fire? Yes. Yeah we are.†(McCarthy.2006.Pg283/284), he decides to travel with the family. And while fear is one of the most important emotions the pair faces in the book it is also one of the most important that people have faced since we first developed emotions. And even though fear plays a big part in their movement forward there is still another that is just as important. The Third and final emotion that is expressed in the novel is hope. The boy’s character is a sign of hope to the father throughout the book. In the father’s view the boy is almost described as holy, â€Å"if he is not the word of god, god never spoke†, which gives the sense that the boy is precious to the man and that the boy is the father’s hope like a god is a religious person’s hope. The boy also gives a sense of hope to the reader. This is from his sense of goodness and innocence, the way he gave food to the old m an at the side of the road, which in this world the reader gets a sense that goodness and innocence is unheard of. This gives this bleak, horrific, world a feeling of humanity, a feeling that gives the destroyed world a future â€Å"Goodness will find the little boy. It always has. It will again.†In the road there is a repeated reference to ‘carrying the flame’ which is a symbol of hope. It is a symbol that mankind will always live on throughout any circumstances. When the man dies he tells the boy the he is now carrying the flame which shows the man’s hope of a better future or merely a just a future for the boy. The food is a sign presented by Cormac McCarthy of hope, when the food is low the scene is shown grimly and when the food is plentiful. When they find the bunker full of food, page 146, the text is full of short sentences ‘Canned hams.’, ‘Corned beef’ which show the father’s joy and almost disbelief of how hopeful the future will be with this plenty. Other than the boy the father has hope in very few things. But one thing which is shown throughout The Road is the father’s sense of morals. The father always reassures the boy and himself that they are the good guys, because they aren’t turning to cannibalism, which gives them the hope to keep them going because they are, to the father, keeping goodness in the world alive, ‘carrying the flame’. In the father’s dream, page 2, the father and the son are holding a light, ‘Their light playing over the wet flowstone walls.’ Which could be interpreted as a reference to the ‘carrying the flame’. The mother is a character presenting hope that has been lost. The mother commits suicide as this is what she sees as the brightest option. The mother says â€Å"as for me my only hope is for eternal nothingness and I hope it with all my heart.†(McCarthy.2006.Pg58/59), this shows how the mother has lost all hope of a future and nothingness is better than life on borrowed time. The last paragraph in the road is full of hope for the boy and the earth’s future. Cormac McCarthy presents the theme of hope in many different ways. He shows the lost hope of people in end of the world situations, the mother and the cannibals. The hope for the future, carrying the flame and the last paragraph. The hope for goodness and generosity in the world, the father’s view of the boy and carrying the flame. Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, a story set in a post-apocalyptic earth, showed the journey off a Man and his son: as they faced physical challenges, such as, Cold and Hunger, they also faced emotional challenges through Desperation, Fear, and Hope. This is a story that shows the perseverance of a man and his son, as they fight to survive.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Understanding Dota Gamers
DotA is an abbreviation of Defense of the Ancients which is a map modification from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne based on the map of â€Å"Aeon Strife†of Starcraft, a team game focusing on hero combat. DotA is a five versus five game with two sides which are sentinel and scourge. The map is divided into three lanes where creeps automatically spawn. The objective of the game is to destroy the opponent’s Ancient that is heavily guarded by several defensive towers which attacks hostile creatures. The map was developed with the World Editor of Reign of Chaos.The first DotA map was developed by anonymous modder known as Eul. He released DotA even before the Frozen Throne came out. Then another anonymous modder, Guinsoo, took over and converted DotA for the Frozen Throne, but he later stopped developing maps. Icefrog then took his place and is the current DotA developer. Game is commonly played with teams. Each team creates strategy to win the game. First, they pick hero, one hero for every player. Next, player buys item for the hero to make it strong. And proceed into one lane for defense and offense mode.Hero gains one gold, currency of the game, every second and forty for creeps and two hundred plus for hero kills. Player collects gold by farming, microing, and hostile hero killing to buy recipe items to be synthesized for an upgraded weapon. Also, hero gains level experience, up to level twenty five, every time they kill a creeps and heroes. Every hero has their own unique balance skill. Proper timing and usage of skill is one aspect that a DotA player needs to learn. Ever since the DotA was developed, the game had undergone many changes.Game bugs and glitch do appear and are reported by testers and players. It gives a thought that a modder is not the only developer of the game. The DotA community has their own share. â€Å"But despite all of the community’s help, it is still Icefrog, a man who may be named Jeremy, who may be from Boston and who may study at UCLA, which makes the final changes. The masses may be the power of the movement, but the figurehead and initiator of all that changes is still focused on a mysterious, almost spiritual figurehead. †1 The popularity of DotA has increased over time.The game can be played around local area network or online through battle. net. Battle. net allows one player to connect with other players in the internet. Garena provides interconnection of players for every game, in this case DotA. It has several rooms created by a host player inviting another player to join in. DotA was once featured in the magazine Computer Gaming World. Different tournaments were done and one of the famous is Electronic Sports World Cup in 2008. LAN tournaments are a major part of worldwide play. From game addiction to game creation, the League of Legends was released.It has the same environment with Defense of the Ancients, but an enhanced and improved graphics and animatio n and different characters, items and skills. Same goes with DOTA 2, the improvised DotA. Everything was remained. DOTA 2 is a whole new game. Even with DOTA 2 released, there are still player of the DotA. Pre-gamers think whether they will try the game or not. They are curious about the game. Things that in their mind are bad pictures like they will be bullied, will be laughed of, or will become attached to the game. They question themselves: why are existing players play DotA? How much fun can they get?How to play the game? With these questions in their mind, they are influence by their curiosity to start and play the game and find the answers themselves. They will seek assistance first, and then remember the basic controls and movements of the character for their next play. In other cases, curiosity is not the reason why someone starts to play DotA. It is the influence of their peers inviting the pre-gamer to join the club – DotA gamers. The friendship does not want to be broken. The known reputation of DotA being one of the most addictive games pushes the pre-gamer to decline playing.Some succeed in declining and others did not. It is because they are convinced by their friends to play DotA. Girlfriend of an existing DotA gamer is the common relationship status of girl players. They want to get the attention of their boyfriend. So, girlfriend asks her boyfriend to teach her and learn it herself so they can play and have fun together. Once they have tried the game, it will leave them impressions. The common impression is that it is not good because of the low quality graphical representation and the controls are hard to remember at first.It is also hard to kill an artificial intelligence character that a beginner will think the game is impossible, but this will change later. Another one impression is ‘disappointed’ because their first play could not meet their expectation and will not be satisfied with the result. Some quit at once while other continues. After getting the game’s information, a beginner will start to change his view towards the game. He/she will discover that the game is exciting, thrilling, and fun. He will practice playing to kill an AI character. This will lead to continuous playing and eventually improve his/her skills and strategies.When that happens, he/she will kill an AI and be ready to compete with other players. At middle time of a gamer, he/she finds DotA as a place of recreation and entertainment. His/her addiction of the game is showing. A gamer spends most of their free time playing the game solo or with friends. Other gamers still play sports and socialize with friends and play DotA afterwards. This case is a proof of attachment with the game. Some gamers treat DotA as a hobby. They only play for pastime or to entertain their self. They are not considered as addicted.On the other hand, a gamer is considered addict when he/she plays more than an hour, spends money to heat up the game, and chooses the game instead of socializing with others. There are other reasons or symptoms that based a gamer addicted. As time goes by, for existing gamers, they turn out to become advance game player. The game is as familiar as their house. Strategies are like rock, scissor, and paper game. They can switch to new strategy for whenever they want. In-game characters are like dolls they control as they command. â€Å"Change is the only constant†, said Heraclitus (535-375 BC).Changes show in the later time of the gamer. There are changes in gamers’ physical appearance, thinking capacity, socialization, and studies. These changes affect the player’s daily life. The gamer is different from his/her past self. If he/she attends a reunion, his/her relatives would think of him for another person. â€Å"Physical consequences of gaming addiction include carpal tunnel, migraines, sleep disturbances, backaches, eating irregularities, and poor personal hygiene. Car pal tunnel syndrome has long been associated with computer use, so it's no surprise that it's a physical symptom of gaming addiction.Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused when the main nerve between the forearm and hand is squeezed or pressed. This occurs when the carpal tunnel – the area of the wrist that houses the main nerve and tendons – becomes irritated or swollen. Overuse of a computer mouse can cause such irritation and swelling, as can excessive use of a video game controller. Migraine headaches typically start in one spot and slowly spread, getting more painful as they progress. In severe cases, the pain can be so extreme that it causes the sufferer to vomit. Light and noise can cause excruciating pain.Someone who plays video games for extended periods of time is more prone to migraines because of the intense concentration required and the strain put on the eyes. The term â€Å"sleep disturbances†covers several sleep-related disorders, including insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, nocturnal myoclonus (periodic leg or arms jerks during sleep), and parasomnia (i. e. , night terrors, sleepwalking or talking, and nightmares). Sleep disturbances are caused, in part, by overstimulation of the brain. However, some people can't get a good night's sleep simply because they think obsessively about the game they're playing.Backaches are a common physical symptom of gaming addiction because most gamers stay seated in the same position for hours on end. The lack of movement causes stiffness and soreness, but could deteriorate into chronic back problems. Eating irregularities are caused by gaming addiction simply because most addicted gamers don't want to take the time to eat properly. Rather than eating healthy, balanced meals, they eat food that is quick and usually unhealthy. In extreme cases, the gamer may choose not to eat at all. An addicted gamer is not going to take the time to properly care for himself.Showers, face-washing, and brushing h air and teeth all get put on the back burner. It simply becomes less of a priority, if it's a priority at all. These physical consequences will occur in varying degrees from one gamer to another. Though the severity of physical consequences is often tied to the severity of the addiction, this is not always the case. A gamer that is already in poor physical condition will be more susceptible to these effects early on. †2 Video game is also a cause of obesity particularly with kids. They eat while their character is dead and wait until it respawn.Gamer mostly eats unhealthy or foods with imbalance nutrients. They do not exercise even sometimes which results to gaining weight, and back and wrist pains. This case majority happens to addicted players. A game player’s intellectual capabilities varies depend on his/her attitude or personalities. It also depends on their way of thinking and past knowledge. Gamers with strong and sharp mind usually win a session game in DotA. Ga mers’ mind thinks fast that is to establish game strategy and to take up the lead. This factor is a good effect of video game.He/she can make decisions fast but careful because he/she thinks as if he/she is still playing. He/she does not want to screw his game play and strategic plan. â€Å"Playing a game which requires very fast deployment of visual attention and motor movement could prime a strategy of speed over accuracy,†explained Nelson, â€Å"while playing a game which emphasizes a slower, more thoughtful pace could prime the opposite pattern. The main point is that different kinds of video games engage different cognitive and perceptual skills, and there are measurable differences in their effects, even in the short term. Similar results have been noted in previous research by Daphne Bavelier, of the University of Rochester in New York. She co-authored a study that showed video game players have improved hand-to-eye coordination, increased visual processing, s tronger mental rotation skills and enhanced visuo-spatial memory. †3 Defense of the Ancients is not as addictive as massive multi-online role playing game (MMORPG), where a player maintains and upgrades level and strength of his character and does not restart the character information after logging off.Meanwhile, DotA characters start at level one every session of game. DotA is more fun to play with peers than playing alone. The average length of a game session with user opponent is sixty minutes. Thus, it gives the player to interact with his teammate and opponents for an hour. It is virtual socialization, where a player speaks through the chat bar and dialog box, and interact with other player with his game character. Socialization in real life comes after a session. Gamers snacks together and talks about their finished game and criticize the player who cause the win or loss.It creates bonds and trusts for playmate. Gamers that play in computer shop increase their peers who they met and play the game with. Too much attachment to the game DotA affects relationships with family, relatives, friends and other people. A gamer that chooses to spend all of his free time and sleep for playing neglects his social interaction with relatives and in school. He only interacts with the player or peer he is playing with. And since he lacks sleep, there is a chance that he will fall asleep in class and affects his school performance. Peers changes the gamer’s way of socializing.The gamer absorbs the negative treatment onto him and do it himself onto other game player. He tries to bully weaker player – easy kill, easy money. And his way of speaking changes. Polite becomes impolite and occasionally turns to being rude. Some of his words are swap with words from the game, ixempli gratia, godlike and ‘imba’, which only a DotA game player understands. Most of his expression is about the game. He loves to talk all things about DotA only with other DotA player. He will not try to talk about it with non-gamer for they would not understand.Some gamers who are attached to the game do not fail in class. He manages his time carefully and controls his self with his decision to not set aside studies for computer game. Unfortunately, other gamers fall behind lectures. The common reason is lack of sleep. Gamer often yawn in class and inevitably fall asleep. Some gamers do not attend their first class and later drop the subject. There are gamer that do not spend their money allowance for snacks instead spend it for computer rental, if the gamer do not have computer at home or he just want to play DotA with other player.Other gamers decrease their time for study and spend it for socialization with peers through DotA. DotA had different tournaments. There are Local Area Network (LAN) tournament, online tournament, international tournaments and other tournaments. Advance players grab this opportunity to challenge their skills and to compe te with other strong players, but the common reason for joining is the prize especially the cash. Winners gain reputation. Losers gain rivals. The population of DotA gamers consists mostly of students. Their allowance usually goes to computer rental. Other gamers are nonstudent, with occupation and bystander.Bystanders have more free time to play though they have insufficient fund for renting computer though they can only play alone at home through internet if they have computer. Those advance gamers with jobs are the ones who usually place bets to heat up their game. This is a form of gambling. They even place bets though they are only watching. Gamers make money through winning bets and tournaments. Experience is knowledge. We gain lessons in every experience. Experience sharpens our personality. Our mistake is a lesson to avoid and improve the right one. Gamers experience the changes which were discussed in the last topic.While playing DotA, gamers experience different feelings a nd emotions like hunger, fun, excitement, and thrill. These emotions are triggered by neurotransmitters such as endorphins and dopamine. These brain chemicals are responsible for animals’ sense of pleasure. The brain secretes these chemicals when the body feels excitement, joy, or pain. Even a fake smile can cause pleasure and trick the body that it is happy. â€Å"Then, there's the excitement. A good game will get your pulse racing and your adrenaline pumping, even if you're just sitting on the couch holding a controller.Games with a time component amplify this excitement, even in simple games like Jewel Quest where you're down to one second before everything blows up because you didn't find the three matching gems. †4 During the game session, the hand-to-eye coordination is used. Most of the time, hands and eyeballs are the only part of the body that moves. They seldom stretch their hand, legs, and neck. Parts of the body that is not use become weak. DotA gamers expe rience lack of sleep because of playing. The gamers do not care of time during the session. His focus and attention are in the game only.They ignore other matter even emergency calls and text messages are ignored. Reply is given upon the end of the game session. These are reasons why parents and girlfriend/boyfriend, if there is any, get upset. Based on the observation of the researcher, gamers , particularly on weekend, start to play at nine in the morning and finish at about four the next morning, then get some rest and come back playing. They said, they only eat, take small amount of time to sleep, wake up, eat again, take a bath, then go to internet shop to resume his play. For students, they usually play after class hours.They are sometimes distracted by the thoughts of DotA while in the class. They are excited for class dismissal. They come home late and make their parents anxious. Some of these students are being fetched by their parent. Some act shy, on the other hand, some act tough and proud. In Internet shop, gamers are happy, and noisy. During the session, they shout and trash-talk each side even the watchers shout. Harsh and mean words are trash-talk like ‘weak’, ‘lousy’, ‘slow’, and ‘gay’. The competition each game is intense. Gamers who lose often get bullied and easily angered.Later, this bullied player, sometime, cause trouble and brawl. Losers feel sad, depression, and shame, and think for a new strategy to win the next game. They gain rivals to overcome, putting more time for practice game to improve tactics. On the other hand, winners celebrate, feels fun, and gain challengers. Some gamers quit, but there are new players who replace them. The reasons of new players are curiosity towards the game, seek of fun, peer pressure, and friendship. People find ways to eradicate pressure and boredom. One of it is playing DotA.The game DotA has effects depends on the physical and mental capacity of t he gamer. Weak-willed mind and poor health are more susceptible to game addiction and negative changes in their personality and body. Playing the game reduces time for socialization and study. Game players must learn how to control their selves to refuse from overuse of time and money for playing. Parents must watch their kids. It is hard to forbid kids from playing video game. This action can cause the kids to rebel. So, give them outdoor activity like sports to balance their mind and body. Definition of termsBugs are small insect. Bugs, in computer program, is an error, flaws, or mistake in a computer program that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways. Farming ,in agriculture, it is an activity of growing crops and raising livestock. Farming, in DotA, is an act of collecting gold. figurehead is a person given a position of nominal leadership but having no actual authority. Glitch is a minor malfunction, or technical problem. Godlike means resembling or having the qualities of God or a god. In DotA, it is a call for having nine consecutive player kills.Imba is an abbreviation for â€Å"imbalanced†. Imba can be applied to a subject in gaming (Weapon, army, race, role or job) which can be either too strong (Overpowered, or OP) or too weak (Underpowered, or UP). Insomnia is a specific kind of sleep disorder in which the patient is not able to get into sleep or the patient is not able to remain asleep for an adequate period of time Jerk is a single quick motion of short duration. Micro is a word comes from the Greek word micros meaning small. Micro (microing),in DotA, is an act of last hitting creeps.Narcolepsy is a condition characterized by an extreme tendency to fall asleep whenever in relaxing surroundings. Parasomnia, from the Latin meaning â€Å"around sleep,†is a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal sleep behaviors. Parasomnias involve unconscious complex, semi-purposeful, and goal-directed behaviors that have meaning or importance to the individual. These can include night terrors, sleepwalking, sleep eating, sleep sex, rapid eye movement (REM) behavior disorder, or any number of potential behaviors that occur while the person remains asleep. re-gamers means a potential game player that is not yet a game player. Respawn Also known as spawn, respawn is a gaming term used to describe the action of a computer player or human player coming back to life after being killed. Restless leg syndrome (Nocturnal myoclonus) is a disorder in which there is an urge or need to move the legs to stop unpleasant sensations. Screw is a metal fastener having a tapered shank with a helical thread, and topped with a slotted head, driven in to wood or the like by rotating, especially by means of a screwdriver.Screw means to mess something up, turn things for the worse. Sleep apnea is the temporary stoppage of breathing during sleep, often resulting in daytime sleepiness. Apnea is a Greek wo rd that means â€Å"want of breath. †Spatial memory is the part of memory responsible for recording information about one's environment and its spatial orientation. Trash-talk is a form of boast or insult commonly heard in competitive situations. Visuospatial is pertaining to perception of the spatial relationships among objects within the field of vision.
Letter to Government Essay
I am writing to you on behalf of your article in this weeks paper I think the curfew is a fantastic idea I am in full support of the Council proposing this great curfew. Where I live under 16’s are taking over my neighbourhood me and the other residents in the area are feeling threatend by these gangs of ‘yobs’ hanging around our area. All they do is go around drinking and creating uneeded noise which I and the rest of our neighbourhood would agree on. While we adults are staying indoors scared of going out they are out commiting crimes and going round doing under age drinking and under age sex and if the parents of these children could see what I see nearly every night then I’m sure they would be in support with me. As I said before I am scared to go out of my house to go to the shops or to the pub or anywhere! because I am scared of getting jumped or mugged or even killed. Also this curfew would be a good idea because it would give new employees in the police force good experience of dealing with these situations so they are confident and experienced when it comes to a really big proper crime. Also if this curfew goes through then once all of the under 16’s are indoors then it will make life easier for the police patrolling to catch the proper criminals because they won’t have to put up with the cheek and disrespect that they recieve off the under 16’s, also the under 16’s need to respect the police force and realise that they are trying to protect them but they are just trying to show off in front of friends.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Architectural Science in the UK Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Architectural Science in the UK - Assignment Example This requires effective consideration of particular features of the dwelling in order to enhance the use of green energy thereby containing the runaway pollution experienced in particular parts of the world as the discussion below portrays. Designing and developing a dwelling requires effective utilization of space, which is often the most important feature. Consumers continually demand larger homes spaces beside several other features that make homes habitable (Evers & Koln, 2006). This thus influences the selection of a construction location often considering the elements of nature. The selection of a construction site must minimize conflicts between humans and other animals occupying the ecosystem. Peaceful coexistence between humans and other wild animals is essential in the construction of sustainable dwelling since such help minimize any conflicts that may arise. Cases of insect bites in different parts of the world such as Australia typify the nature of the conflicts. In such cases, the humans spend millions of pounds in seeking medication for the different bites with the country reporting a high number of deaths arising from insect bites. The topography of the location is a major factor that architectures consider when designing a dwelling. Such factors as the stability of the structure rely on the nature of the topography of the land thereby validating the consideration. Effective utilization of space dictates that a dwelling must permit easy access to the housing units. The housing units must safeguard the safety features that arise from the placement of rooms among other aspects of the house thereby enhancing the accommodation of families of varying sizes. The manipulation of the space contributes to the sustainability of a dwelling beside contributing to the safety of the structure.Â
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Capital Punishment in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Capital Punishment in the United States - Essay Example This basically translates into a government wherein the powers of the central (national) government are limited or restricted and in which the component states enjoy a certain degree of autonomy, sovereignty and self-government. In this form, the sovereign power rests with the people who elect their representatives. However, the component states that form the United States are bound by the Supreme law of the land, the Constitution. With that in mind, it would be necessary to state the degree of autonomy each state has in governing its respective territories and constituents. Each state has the three main branches of government, namely the executive, legislative and judiciary. The executive is headed by the Governor, while the legislative and judiciary are composed of State representatives similar to that of these branches at the national level. Each state has its own laws and each State Supreme Court has the power to create the judicial determination of issues of law on their own, subject only to the limitations imposed by the Constitution and the US Supreme Court. One of the limitations imposed by the U.S. Constitution on the issue of capital punishment is mainly enshrined in the Eighth Amendment, prescribing the use of cruel and unusual punishment. For around four decades now since 1976, the U.S. Supreme Court has held steadfast in its ruling that the death penalty does not violate the Eighth Amendment. Another key limitation is one wherein the U.S. Supreme Court overturned death penalty sentences in 19 states when it held that the death penalty could not be imposed on convicted murderers who were under the age of 18 at the time they committed their crimes. (Walker 2006) Thus, it can be seen that indeed each state has the right to determine whether or not a convicted felon should be executed, as long as the State law allows it, and the practice is in accordance with the limitations set on the National level. Therefore, various differences can be seen as to how State practice and legislation allows capital punishment. Â
Saturday, July 27, 2019
From Isolationism to Interventionism. America's evolution Essay
From Isolationism to Interventionism. America's evolution - Essay Example These guiding principles defended their homeland borders and remained self-sufficient and unconcerned with the rest of the world. The policies changed to interventionism, which was founded on the principle of directly intervening in the affairs of other nations. The change was because of the American’s perception of the most decent and had the proper way of living, governing and hence it would take measures to guide other nations towards the same direction. Initially, the nation was largely non-interventionist state, which preferred to focus on domestic affairs and pay attention to economic policies abroad. The change occurred after the Cold World War when America was forced to storm into the war when Japanese pilots bombed the naval base at Pearl Harbor in December 1941. This changed the United States to an interventionist state. The idea of communism and the threat of Soviet Union influenced every foreign policy adopted by the U.S. A recovery program that was passed by Congr ess in 1948 sent relief funds into Western Europe and this created an influx of business in America. America later worked towards freeing nations referred to as the third world. They started practicing a policy of self-determination, not seeking conquest or economic control but instead instilling governments that were friendly. The United States through the United Nations intervened into the war between the communist government of Korea and the Republic of Korea since they saw that the Republic of Korea needed help to avoid being overrun. This war finally settled in 1953 and the borers were restored exactly as they were before the war broke. The conflict in Vietnam began in 1945 when the Vietminh declared Vietnam self-governing from France. The United States though had promised to accept the results of the elections, which were conducted in 1956 to unite the two separate nations under one democratically elected official later in 1956. They ignored it and provided weapons and trainin g for the friend faction in Vietnam and sent CIA Operatives to destabilize the Vietminh clandestinely. During the 1950s, the US government had supported a change in control of Cuba when Fidel Castro led the supporting revolution. After Castro came into power, he severed all ties with the United States and became more open about his socialist leanings. Later, the United States funded and trained troops that led a coup attempt to wrest control from Castro, which failed. John Blight said that the relation between Castro’s government and America was indirectly responsible for the alliance between Cuba and the USSR. President Harry S Truman (1945 to 1952) set before Congress his domino theory, which showed that if one pertinent nation fell into communism, it would drag all its neighbors. This led to the Truman Doctrine in 1947, which contributed to demolishment of communism (Patrick 111). Truman laid out is Point IV Program in 1949 which intended to give technical aid to third wor ld nations and also aided formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which intended to counter the Soviet threat in Western Europe. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was in power between 1952 and 1960. He propagated the interventionist policies where in 1953 he used the CIA to stage coups and overthrow unfriendly governments in Iran and Guatemala. He helped to form the Southeast Asia Theory Organization after the fall of Vietnam from French control to Vietminh control in 1954. He acknowledged that there were background events and people involved in various aspects of American Interventionism. It became necessary to review the interventionism and look at different sides to debate. One of the issues was that getting involved
Friday, July 26, 2019
B300 TMA05 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
B300 TMA05 - Essay Example In a competitive industry, the powerful will exploit the powerless to their advantage in the relentless pursuit of self interest. Buyers exert power through their ability to switch suppliers and/or demand more favorable terms and conditions of their transactions. Suppliers exert power by virtue of their control of important resources, and the resulting ability to raise prices or reduce quality. Technology, although critical to the success of a business, is common in all segments and has lost its core function. Services, software and hardware are easily replicated by suppliers, hampering innovation and decreasing the strategic importance of technology. However, the role of technology in competitive advantage cannot be denied. It is important to note that it is not the technology itself, but how the technology is used and integrated into the business process that creates the competitive advantage among firms. Both iRobot and Dyson belong to an industry which is triggered by consistent innovation of new products. Strategic alliances play an important role in developing competitive advantage in these firms. Strategic alliances play an important part in product development and distribution strategies. They rely on strategic alliances to provide technology, complementary product offerings and speedier access to markets. In a highly competitive market, technology acts as the differentiating factor that sets innovative firms apart from the others. Porter (2001) argues that, companies will gain the competitive advantage only if the use technology to complement their existing business strategies, products and best practices. Companies should use technology as a valuable corporate asset and should differentiate itself from competitors by achieving a sustainable competitive advantage by having low operational costs, value added products, low production costs and excellent customer service. Dyson bulids vaccum cleaners that guarantee no loss of suction by using Root Cyclone technology that separate the dirt from air. Bargaining power of buyers There are a large number of companies competing against each other, in a constant struggle to innovate products that suit customer needs in the varying environment. Customers, therefore, have a variety of products to choose from. Companies differentiate from one another through product innovation and customer service. iRobot strives to continuously improve their robots and exceed customer expectations by delivering highly reliable, high performance robots and providing world class support and service. Dyson makes vaccum cleaners that are guaranteed a life over 5 years by developing them to resist rough circumstances with no extra costs involved. Since buyers are large, they exhibit very little control over the market with lower bargaining power. Firms compete with innovating products that provide unique solutions to customer needs. Firms also provide complimentary products to gain better customer base for their existing products. Bargaining power of suppliers Suppliers for specialized innovative products may not be very large in number and therefore may exhibit much bargaining power. Bargaining power is high for major suppliers of specialized materials and equipment who are
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Why I Want to Teach Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Why I Want to Teach - Speech or Presentation Example The eventualities of the experiences have made some of us to either abhor or cherish the learning part of our lives. Regardless of the experience one may have had, this piece of writing is a speech outlining the reasons why I want to be a teacher. "Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty." Albert Einstein My choice to settle on teaching as a profession was not a matter of spontaneous decision. Instead, it was a factor of a couple of years of reflection regarding the career I would like to pursue in life. I have settled on a career in education because I firmly believe that it stands out as one of the integral duties carried out in our society. I am convicted that teachers, both as an individual and collectively, have the ability to transform the world and shape it to the desirable destiny. In this profession of teaching, I remain hopeful that I will not only find an occupation and a source of living, but also I will derive p ersonal fulfillment and rejuvenation from it. I want to be part and parcel of the great pool of resourceful teachers who will one day be counted as those adhered to the true calling of teaching profession. In the words of Albert Einstein, I desire to teach such that what I offer to the students is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty. ... Furthermore, these teachers had a great mastery of communication skills and were well versed with the subject matter content. This is the exact type of teachers I desire to emulate. Nonetheless, being an open minded individual, I believe that my teaching technique would equally be anchored on a wide range of factors including my values and experiences. I want to ensure that my students learn in an environment that is secure and comfortable so that their level of steel esteem is enhanced. My experience as a student has served as an eye opener that great minds end up being unexploited to the optimum simply because the learning environment was not insecure or not conducive. Unwavering self-esteem would certainly give the student the confidence to strive and reach out for the goals they set for themselves. As a teacher, I will play an integral role in the provision of this environment to all students. I am also excited that I will have the privilege of shaping the lives of future parents and great members of the society. Often times, I find myself in a reverie imagining the pride that the teachers who taught President Obama felt when he was eventually inaugurated as the president of United States of America. I think of that and I cannot wait to start teaching. Who knows that an Obama or Hillary Clinton might be one of my students?! Many people find it hard to comprehend my unyielding passion to teaching profession. As others look at me in utter amazement, some people have chosen to level all sorts of criticisms at my â€Å"misdirected†ambition. They assert that teachers are the most lot of professionals no wonders they are ever complaining of exploitation. I do not blame them for this or neither do I hit
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Marketing analysis of Bupa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words
Marketing analysis of Bupa - Essay Example Bupa is the leading provider of private health care insurance and health care services in the UK. Based on your assessment of Bupa’s intermediate and longer term Objectives, and an analysis of their business and marketing environment, please prepare a full Marketing Plan for Bupa. Your Marketing Plan must cover all key elements including: 1. the corporate and marketing objectives 2. key macro and micro considerations, including SWOT 3. target markets selected and corporate/brand position 4. main aspects of your recommended marketing mix strategy, including o Product/Services strategy o Pricing strategy o Channel management o Promotional (Integrated Marketing Communications) strategy o the extended marketing mix 1.0 The corporate and marketing objectives at Bupa Bupa identifies its strategic priorities as: †¢ The development of differentiated products and services, through the provision of health care and health care promotion to allow customers to take control of their own healthcare as a lifetime partnership (Bupa, 2011, p.1). †¢ Building leadership in healthcare: Focus is given to relationship management related to individuals, companies, government and health care providers to improve quality and governance of the health care system and improve affordable health care services (Bupa). †¢ Improving quality of healthcare expertise internationally.... Assessment Task A: 2200 words Bupa is the leading provider of private health care insurance and health care services in the UK. Based on your assessment of Bupa’s intermediate and longer term Objectives, and an analysis of their business and marketing environment, please prepare a full Marketing Plan for Bupa. Your Marketing Plan must cover all key elements including: 1. the corporate and marketing objectives 2. key macro and micro considerations, including SWOT 3. target markets selected and corporate/brand position 4. main aspects of your recommended marketing mix strategy, including o Product/Services strategy o Pricing strategy o Channel management o Promotional (Integrated Marketing Communications) strategy o the extended marketing mix 1.0 The corporate and marketing objectives at Bupa Bupa identifies its strategic priorities as: The development of differentiated products and services, through the provision of health care and health care promotion to allow customers to ta ke control of their own healthcare as a lifetime partnership (Bupa, 2011, p.1). Building leadership in healthcare: Focus is given to relationship management related to individuals, companies, government and health care providers to improve quality and governance of the health care system and improve affordable health care services (Bupa). Improving quality of healthcare expertise internationally. Bupa has experienced significant revenue growth in the last five years, with current equity at $4.37 billion. $1.18 billion of this revenue comes from care home services sustaining resident care for elderly and those with specialized needs (, 2010). Because of the diversity and vastness of the products and services offered, Bupa’s marketing objectives consist of: Improve revenue
Interpretation of Financial Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Interpretation of Financial Statements - Essay Example With the help of this information one can compute financial ratios relating to liquidity, profitability, gearing and efficiency that help in assessing the financial performance of the company. ... 8594 33607 Acid-test ratio 0.97 1.13 Â 1.19 0.82 Â Â Â Â Â Â Cash and short term deposits 107 47.8 Â 13698 4660 Current Liabilities 758.1 713.5 Â 28594 33607 Cash ratio 0.14 0.07 Â 0.48 0.14 Â Â Â Â Â Â GEARING Â Â Â Â Â Total equity 133.4 140.5 Â 66230 62166 Long term debt 802 906.4 Â 1316 575 Long-term debt to equity 6.01 6.45 Â 0.02 0.01 Â Â Â Â Â Â EBIT 529.8 478.3 Â 19782 17161 Interest expense 25.3 50.8 Â 374 307 Interest cover 20.94 9.42 Â 52.89 55.90 Â Â Â Â Â Â INVESTMENT Â Â Â Â Â Price 2,053.00 1,177.00 Â 652.5 25.8 EPS 188.50 156.00 Â 32.6 29.6 P/E ratio 10.89 7.54 Â 20.02 0.87 Â Â Â Â Â Â DPS 66 55 Â 16.65 17.15 EPS 188.5 156 Â 32.6 29.6 Dividend payout 0.35 0.35 Â 0.51 0.58 Â Â Â Â Â Â EPS 188.5 156 Â 32.6 29.6 DPS 66 55 Â 16.65 17.15 Dividend cover 2.86 2.84 Â 1.96 1.73 Â Â Â Â Â Â DPS 66 55 Â 16.65 17.15 Price 2,053.00 1,177.00 Â 652.5 25.8 Dividend yield 3.21% 4.67% Â 2.55% 66.47% (Next Plc, 2010; Ted Baker, 2010). Financial analysis of Next Plc (NXT) & Ted Baker Plc (TED) Profitability- For the financial year 2010 the gross profit margin of both the companies has increased as compared to the last year. Ted Baker reported a gross profit margin of 58% in 2009 and this increased to 61% in the following year whereas Next Plc reported a margin of 27% in 2009 and it increased to 29% in the immediate year. The gross profit margin of the former is more than double that of latter; this implies that the management of Ted Baker has exercised efficient control over the operating costs. However the operating profit margin of Next Plc is marginally higher than Ted Baker Plc. For 2010 the former reported an operating profit margin of 15% as compared to12% by Ted Baker Plc. This suggests that
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication Essay - 7
Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication - Essay Example By names, it means the names of both the hazardous chemicals and the other chemicals perceived as not hazardous (McLeod 2009). The availability of spread sheet that has more information such as chemicals name, manufacturer’s name, room number stored and availability of the material safety data sheet that should be available to all the employees when needed. The inventory would be very current if also the chemicals with a higher flammability level are well indicated in the inventory well. The inventories should have spaces for recording the chemicals physical properties it contains, health hazards it can cause this helps to be able to choose the kind of protective wear to use on the chemical( Hoboken 2009). The inventory would be said to be current if it includes the manufacturer’s emergency number. This emergency number helps in getting back to the manufacturer in case of a chemical spill or an unusual reaction of the hazardous chemical. The inventory would be current if it is checked regularly and a different person from the same department crosschecks again. In conclusion, the inventory should be very much current with all the said things above-mentioned (McLeod
Monday, July 22, 2019
Mall Goers Essay Example for Free
Mall Goers Essay Just what goes into â€Å"having fun†? For many people, â€Å"fun†involves getting out of the house, seeing other people, having something interesting to look at, and enjoying a choice of activities, all at a reasonable price. Going out to dinner or to the movies may satisfy some of those desires, but often not all. But an attractive alternative does exist in the form of the free-admission public mall. Teenagers, couples on dates, and the modest family can all be observed having a good time at the mall. Teenagers are drawn to the mall to pass time with pals and to see and be seen by other teens. The guys linger wearing their Nike tennis shoes, graphic T-shirts, name brand jeans, complete with their hat cocked to the side. The girls sashay thru wearing their high-heels shoes, revealing tank tops, with their arms full of bracelets wrapped around shopping bags. Traveling in a gang that resembles a wolf pack, the young thunder cats make the mall their hunting ground. Mall administrators have obviously made a decision to attract all this teenage activity. The kids’ raised voices, loud slang, and occasional shouted obscenities can be heard from as far as half a mall away. They come to â€Å"pick up chic,†to â€Å"meet guys,†and just to â€Å"hang out.†Couples find fun of another sort at the mall. The young lovers are easy to spot because they walk hand in hand, stopping to sneak a quick kiss after every few steps. They first pause at a jewelry store window so that they can gaze at diamond engagement rings and gold wedding bands. Then, they wander into perfume departments in the large mall stores. Finally, they drift away, their arms wrapped around each other’s waist. Then there are the Smiths, who visit the mall on Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon for inexpensive recreation. Hearing the music of the trains and video games, the daughter begs to ride in the red cart. Shouting â€Å"I’m Starving!†Jr. drags the family towards the food court, where he detects the seductive odor of pizza. Mom walks to the women’s clothing store, trying on anything she thinks she can fix. Meanwhile, Dad has wandered into the electronics and is testing out all the new technology asking questions on how things work. The Mall provides something special for every member of the family. Sure, some people visit the mall in a brief, short way, just to pick up a specific purchase or two. But many more are shopping for inexpensive recreation. The teenagers, the dating couples, and the simple family all find cheap entertainment at the mall.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The impact of change on the travel and tourism sector
The impact of change on the travel and tourism sector Analyze the impacts of issues and trends that drive change in the travel and tourism sector Due to the current trends and issues causing change in the travel and tourism sector, the businesses have to adapt to the changes and redesign their products and services. Many changes brought by globalization, technology, world political changes, economics changes and people attitude towards tourism have reshaped the industry altogether. The impacts of these trends and changed can be described below in the context of a major tourism brands. Due to the ageing of the population tourism, businesses are bound to hire older workers. Young people are more qualified and not willing to join the industry due to poor working conditions. Older people are less mobile and more demanding which will have impacts on wage rates and other costs to maintain staff. Lifestyles of the people have changed and their attitude towards tourism services has changed a great deal. People are more demanding and more price conscious now. Firms must cut costs and their profits in order to survive in a more competitive environment now. Technology have helped businesses cut down costs as it has enabled management to manage their resources efficiently and have reduced spare capacity. The increased use of telephone, 3G mobile and internet has helped consumers to access information regarding prices and value for money. This has resulted in a more intense competition. Hotels are responding to the situation by recruiting staff that have skills in information and communication technology. Outsourcing is a key phenomenon in the modern tourism industry. Different products esp. food is obtained from other producers and it’s hard to explain the origin of the food to consumers plus it puts an extra push on the costs involved. Globalization has not only benefited the tourism industry in terms of more revenue and clients but it has also been a sole reason for cheap skilled labor. Skilled labor from poorer regions can be attracted to the industry at relatively cheaper rates which would result in lower employment cost for hotels and catering industry. Globalization also provides this wonderful opportunity to exploit economies of scale. Globalization can cause homogenization in services which might not be good from the customer’s perspective but brand names do ensure higher product quality. Skills gap in the industry is adversely affecting the quality of services. Firms are in a position to charge prices of their own choice in such circumstances. However companies are finding a solution to the issue by providing on-job trainings or paying handsome wages to skillful workers and thus attracting more customers. However the wage rates are mostly affected by the local economic and industrial condition and educational level of the locality as well. Hotel industry is greatly affected by the changes in law as well over the last few years. There is a strong emphasis on working time regulations, minimum wage laws and other working conditions regulations. Laws banning smoking in public places and restaurants etc. are also have impacts in the tourism business. Hotels are now seeking cost effective labor and are more into application of technology. Government and other regulatory authorities are putting more and more pressure on catering firms now to take great care of hygiene and other food related issues. Greater awareness among the consumers related to diet and health have forced the catering businesses and restaurants to reduce the use of sugar and salt in their food. Due to the increased number of obesity cases, consumers are more conscious about the fats and calories rather than just taste. Customers want to know about the origin of the food as well. There is increased food labeling and more information is provided and displayed for the customers regarding the food and its ingredients. There is a great demand for food to be produced in a socially responsible way and this is helping in promoting good practices in the industry. The tourism industry faced a serious setback after the incident of 9/11. The US war on terror and the Iraq war changed the entire industry all together. Many incident s of attacks on tourists, kidnapping for ransom and other political gains were witnessed which created a sense of insecurity among the tourists. Many countries and regions were declared unsafe for tourists. Apart from US, many other cities in Europe and UK were also the victims of terrorism. Madrid and the London bombing somehow created this perception among the tourists that EU member states were the targets of the terrorists. The impact of this is likely to be long term as it will take a long time to restore the confidence of the tourists. Due to this lack of confidence the tourism industry has lost a lot of business and there is a serious decline in investment in this sector. Working conditions have deteriorated and level of employment is showing a downward trend. 4.2 Discuss the likely consequences of businesses failing to respond to market changes Many different businesses are facing many changes in the market. Such changes are economic, social, political and behavioral changes. Tourism industry is not an exception either. Over the last couple of decades the tourism industry has seen a tremendous amount of change and companies are always advised to adapt to these changes. Appropriate strategy and planning can make a company successful and make these changes as an opportunity rather than a threat. However, companies which are not being able to respond to these are likely to face many different failures and problems which are described below. Loss in Sales Revenues Companies which are unable to respond to changes in the market, they are most likely to lose customers and revenues. Due to increased competition and market forces, tourism businesses are bound to charge a low price and earn little profit margin so any failure to adapt to market changes are most likely to cause losses financially. Technology can save a great deal in this regard. Technology not only helps the industry to market their products but also helps in the reduction of labor costs. Different computer applications have made it possible to access and receive information and help in decision making process. A company is most likely to suffer a great deal if it’s unable to adapt to these technological changes. Loss of Competitive Edge As a famous saying goes â€Å"competition improves services†. Tourism industry is facing a strict competition and different businesses related to the industry are bound to cut down costs and still provide best quality services. By the proper change management strategy, businesses can obtain competitive edge over other competitors. The proper use of technology, hiring the skilled labor and other value added services can not only attract more customers but also be a cause of more market share. Failure to adapt to these trends and changes can be a reason of loss of competitive edge. Loss of Goodwill A business is most likely to damage its reputation in case of failure to adapt to changes and recent trends. A tourism business unable to provide valued services to its customers at reasonable price is surely going to lose its customers. Recent trends have shown that customers are most into green products and the hotels and catering industry are affected by this change a great deal. Hotels are expected to operate in an environment friendly manner and promote green practices. However if the businesses are unable to adapt to this, they are going to lose face in this changing market. Regulatory Issues Hotels, restaurants and catering businesses are bound to provide information regarding its products due to increased awareness among customers regarding food and its contents. Products labeling esp. in case of the catering industry has changed a great deal due to this trend. On the other hand there are now more regulations and laws related to the food industry. Use of some chemicals and other ingredients in the food products are banned. Smoking in restaurants and public places is not allowed. Similarly food businesses are properly inspected and regulated now. If restaurants and catering businesses do not take into account all these factors they might be facing some serious regulatory actions in many cases. There are some cases recently where the customers have sued the hotels and restaurants for food related issues. Government regulatory authorities also keep a check on this industry so any negligence in this aspect can be a cause of some serious consequences as well. Growth Issues A company will not be able to grow and expand its business if it is unable to adapt to changes and trends. Tourism businesses must hire human resource with good knowledge of the technology and customers service needs. Use of the technology and skillful labor helps in cutting down costs. Companies in tourism industry must also work in an environment social friendly manner because consumers are more aware and conscious now regarding environmental and social issues. They prefer to go for green products and thus can provide a competitive edge to the business. Failure to adapt to these changes and trends will result in decline in the revenue and thus growth will not be possible. References:
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Peer Pressure Leads To Guilt And Destruction
Peer Pressure Leads To Guilt And Destruction Macbeth, written by Shakespeare, is a tragedy that showed the consequences of Macbeths guilt from the peer pressure of Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth questioned Macbeths manliness several times throughout the story. Macbeth wanted to prove that he was a stronger person. Even though Macbeth proved his manliness, he regretted his decision. Macbeths decision to kill Duncan was based off of peer pressure from Lady Macbeth. The character Macbeth had been told by the three weird sisters that he was going to be the Thane of Cawdor and king of Scotland. In order for Macbeth to take the throne, he had to kill King Duncan. Macbeth never asked the question, Do I really have to kill Duncan in order to become king? Instead, Macbeth was pressured into his decision by his wife, Lady Macbeth. From Macbeths decision some ask the question, Was Macbeth really pressured by Lady Macbeth? Another question often brought up is, Why did Macbeth make the decision to kill Duncan? I believe the main reason for the murder of Duncan was from the peer pressure of Lady Macbeth. Macbeth had just returned from stopping two invading armies, but that did not stop him from wanting more power. Macbeth was ambitious but lacked he lacked the effort to make it happen (Snodgrass 37). He often thought about the consequences that would happen if he were to proceed in killing Duncan. Macbeth also thought about the things Duncan had done for him when he served him as king. He decided he could not bring himself to kill Duncan, but he wanted more success. On the other hand Lady Macbeth was far more ambitious than her husband. Lady Macbeth was described as very ambitious, burning in unquenchable desire to have the name of queen (Quennell 133). After Lady Macbeth read the letter her husband wrote her she said, Hurry home so I can twist your thinking with my sharp words toward the obstacles that stand in the way of your crowning, a rise to greatness that destiny and the witches have promised (I.V.24-29). She had a plan up her sleeve to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth did not see an ything wrong with killing Duncan; she only saw a way to gain more power. Lady Macbeth called upon evil spirits to get her in the right mind-set to pressure Macbeth. She said, Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe, top full of direst cruelty (I.V.38-41). Come to my womans breasts, and take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, wherever in your sightless substance you wait on natures mischief (I.V.45-46). Come thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that my knife see not the wound it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of dark (I.V.48-51). First Lady Macbeth said, Unsex me here, to prove that she would be willing to become the opposite sex. Lady Macbeth practically wished at this point that she was not a woman anymore, so she could kill Duncan. Then she called upon the evil spirits to replace her breast milk with bitterness. Lastly, she asked for the night to be covered with fog so she would not be able to see the wound of Duncan. This showed how much she was willing to kill King Duncan. Macbeth told his wife Duncan will be staying with us but he will leave the next morning. Lady Macbeth said, O! Never shall sun that morrow see/ your face, my thane, is as a book where men may read strange matters (I.V.58-61). She told Macbeth, Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent undert (I.V.63-64). She then said, Leave all the rest to me (I.V.71). Lady Macbeth meant go and treat Duncan like royalty and keep your murderous intent hidden. Lady Macbeth then planned out the plot to kill Duncan. That greatly showed her ambition and hunger for power. Macbeth contemplated if he should kill King Duncan. Macbeth had thought of several reasons why he should not and did not want to kill Duncan. First, Duncan was king over him. Second, Macbeth was his protector and host because he was staying at Macbeths house, and he should not harm him. Lastly, King Duncan had been a good and kind ruler, so Macbeth felt he should never hurt him. Macbeth brought to his wifes attention that he did not want to go through with the plan to kill King Duncan. He said, We will proceed no further in this business; he hath honourd me of late; and I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people, which would be worn now in their newest gloss, not cast aside so soon (I.VII.31-34). That should have been the end, but Lady Macbeth would not take no for an answer. Lady Macbeth urged Macbeth to kill Duncan, which eventually led to his downfall. She did not only question his decision, but she questioned his manliness. Men never like to feel weaker than women. Macbeths wife said, When you durst do it when you were a man; and, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man (I.VII.49-51). Lady Macbeth meant if you murder Duncan and do what you plan, then you will be a real man. Lady Macbeth showed she could be masculine when she said, I have given suck and know how tender tis to love the babe that milks me; I would, while it was smiling in my face, have pluckd my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashd the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done (I.VII.54-59). Lady Macbeth expressed a very powerful statement when she said she would be able to kill her own child. Lady Macbeths words were a great challenge for Macbeth. Macbeth said, Bring forth men-children only for thy undaunted mettle should compose nothing but males (I.VII.7 2-74). Macbeth meant you have such a hardened heart that you should only bear male babies (Snodgrass 51). Lady Macbeth felt he was too compassionate to kill Duncan in order to claim the throne. He would rather take the throne fairly (Snodgrass 37). Questioning Macbeths manliness pressured him into killing King Duncan. Lady Macbeth gave the excuse that she could not kill Duncan because he looked too much like her father. She said, Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done it (II.II.12-13). She was giving an excuse for why she did not want to kill Duncan. This showed she lost strength when she saw Duncan sleeping, for he reminded her of her father. It showed she became weak inside and pressured Macbeth instead. Lady Macbeth tried to sound tough when she said, Unsex me here, but became weak when she saw him sleeping. Macbeth was afraid that the plan will fail, and the people will find out that he murdered Duncan. She told Macbeth, Screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we will not fail (I.VII.60-61). Lady Macbeth said, If we pretend to grieve for the king no one will challenge us (I.VII.77-79). He finally decided he wanted to prove to Lady Macbeth that he was a real man. Macbeth went through with the decision and murdered Duncan. She said, Smear the faces with blood. Macbeth refused, Mocking his weakness, she takes the daggers and performs the task herself (Rozakis 240). Lady Macbeth put blood on Duncans guards and laid the daggers next to them. She left the people thinking it was Duncans guards who planned the murder of their king. The Bible gave us many good examples of how we need to submit ourselves to our husbands. God gave a command that said, Wives submit to your husband as is fitting in the Lord (NIV Colossians 3:18). Lady Macbeth should have let Macbeth make the decision based off of what he was right and what he felt was the right decision. She was only thinking of herself and what she got from the situation. She knew she wanted to have the title of becoming queen and did not think of the consequences that could come from the situation. I Corinthians 11:3 stated, The husband is to assume leadership in the home. The husband and wife should both show love and respect towards each other, but he should have told Lady Macbeth I will do what is best for us. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth experienced guilt and regret after the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth experienced regret because he had to hire murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance to cover up the slaughter of Duncan (Rozakis 240). Macbeth began to feel insanity from the whole situation. Lady Macbeth was affected from the situation when she began to sleep walk. As Lady Macbeth was sleep walking, she began rubbing her hands. She rubbed her hands trying to get the blood off of them (Quennell 134). She kept thinking that her hands were bloody from when she smeared the blood on the faces of Duncans guards. This drove her into insanity, which eventually led her to commit suicide. The story of Macbeth was a good example that showed the effect of peer pressure. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in America among teens. Peer pressure has not only led to suicide, but also drug overdoses, fatal car accidents, violent crime, and unwanted pregnancy (Unknown Author). Teens, who have been pressured by their friends, sometimes turn to suicide as a way out (Unknown Author). Lady Macbeth only thought about fame and power and did not think about the consequences of her actions. She pressured Macbeth, which led to Duncans murder. She did not only think about how this decision could affect her. She felt guilty, which led to her insanity. One action led to not only the murder of Duncan, but the murder of herself.
Immigration in America Essay -- essays research papers
Coming to America†¦Maybe Immigration has been a part of the United States ever since its inception. When Christopher Columbus made his way across the Atlantic Ocean he discovered a land that was almost entirely inhabited. The colonists, essentially the first immigrants to what would be the United States, began to come over group after group until they finally decided that there were enough people living in America that they were a strong enough power to be a separate entity. In 1776 the Americans declared their independence from Great Britain and through the revolutionary war, created the United States. Views from varying sources as well as some insight from North Dakota representatives will be used in order to examine current immigration laws, explain how and why changes should be made, and determine who will be affected by the changes. Early in its history, the United States was often called a melting pot because it was a new nation with no distinctive culture at the time it was established. As immigrants came to the United States, oftentimes they quickly lost their original culture and integrated into the new nation rapidly. Although the United States has been shaped by successive waves of immigrants, Americans have often viewed immigration as a problem. Established Americans often look down on new immigrants. The cultural habits of immigrants are frequently targets of criticism, especially when the new arrivals come from a different country than those in the established community. This type of behavior towards immigrants can be found throughout the nation. When interviewing my district representatives what they were currently doing with immigration laws I received a very common answer from all three of them. They all said that currently they weren’t dealing with any immigration laws because they are usually determined at a national level. Representative Ole Aarsvold said in an e-mail response, â€Å"Immigration is primarily a federal concern but we have had a couple of bills dealing with this issue, very generally, in this legislative session in ND. I will do some research for you.†This led me to open my eyes to the national scope of immigration laws. The United States had no type of immigration laws during its colonial years. Leonard Dinnerstein is a Professor of American History and Director of Judaic Studies at University of Arizona. His Encarta entr... ... Americans declared their independence from Great Britain and through the revolutionary war, created the United States. Views from varying sources as well as some insight from North Dakota representatives were used in order to examine current immigration laws, explain how and why changes should be made, and determine who will be affected by the changes. Work Cited Aarsvold, Ole. â€Å"Re: Thoughts on Immigration.†E-mail to State Representative 22 Mar. 2001. â€Å"American Presidents Talk About Immigration.†American Immigration Law Foundation 1997. 27 Feb. 2001. . Dinnerstein, Leonard. â€Å"Immigration.†Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. 2000. â€Å"Ellis Island Lesson Plan (Immigration).†MSNBC Pencil News. 2000. 27 Mar 2001. . Goldsborough, James. â€Å"Out-of-Control Immigration.†Foreign Affairs. Sept. 2000: 89 Hicks, Chester. â€Å"Remaking the political landscape: how immigration redistributes seats in the House.†Spectrum: the Journal of State Government. Spring 1999: 17. Vialet, Joyce. â€Å"Immigration Legislation and Issues in The 106th Congress.†Migration World Magazine. Sept 1999: 41.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Langston Hughes The Weary Blues Essay examples -- Music Blues Jazz Mu
Langston Hughes' The Weary Blues      Jazz music is often associated with long, lazy melodies and ornate rhythmical patterns. The Blues, a type of jazz, also follows this similar style. Langston Hughes' poem, "The Weary Blues," is no exception. The sound qualities that make up Hughes' work are intricate, yet quite apparent. Hughes' use of consonance, assonance, onomatopoeia, and rhyme in "The Weary Blues" gives the poem a deep feeling of sorrow while, at the same time, allows the reader to feel as if he or she is actually listening to the blues sung by the poem's character.      The Blues musical move was prominent during the 1920s and '30s, a time known as the Harlem Renaissance. Blues music characteristically told the story of someone's anguish, the key factors, and the resolution of the situation. This is precisely what Hughes' poem, "The Weary Blues," describes. Hughes uses the rhythmic structure of blues music and the improvisational rhythms of jazz in his innovative development of "The Weary Blues." The poem opens by first setting the scene. "Down on Lenox Avenue" the speaker heard a "mellow croon" (lines 2 and 4). The tune was played on a piano and sung by a man with the emotions coming from the "black man's soul" (15). The piano man expresses his feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction with his life in lines 19-22 and 25-30: "Ain't got nobody in all this world,           Ain't got nobody but ma self.           I's gwine to quite ma frownin'           And put my troubles on the shelf."           "I got the Weary Blues           And I can't be satisfied.           Got the Weary Blues           And can't be satisfied-           I ain't happy no mo'           And I wish that I had died." The piano man, in a slightly backward order, tells how he wished that he had died because he feels so alone. But, instead of an ultimate end, the piano man decides to "put his troubles on the shelf," or rather, push them aside and continue living without the distraction of those pains.      The tone of "The Weary Blues" is quite dark and melancholy. This matches the sorrowful theme of the poem. Sound patterns play a key role in this poem. They enhance the already somber mood by way of consonance, assonance, onomatopoeia, and rhyme patterns. Consonance is found within the first line of the poem. "Droning a drowsy?" brings a hard 'd' sound to... ...       O Blues! The end of each of the above lines has the long 'u' or 'oo' sound but doesn't exactly rhyme with the preceding line or lines. This off-rhyme gives this blues poem more dimension. With precise rhyme, the poem would seem too forced but with this off-rhyme, the true flow of the blues is apparent and works very well. Additionally, the near rhyme of the long 'u' or 'oo' sound reinforces, once again, the sorrowful and melancholy theme of the poem.      With the consistent use of consonance, assonance, onomatopoeia, and rhyme patterns of "The Weary Blues," Langston Hughes produces a poem with a great deal of emotion. The feelings of sadness and loneliness resonate throughout the poem. The long, lazy melodies and ornate rhythmical patterns of jazz music and the blues are really brought to life in "The Weary Blues" via Hughes' intricate workings of sound patterns that are cleverly implemented in every nook of the poem. Because of these descriptive sound words, I can almost picture myself walking down Lenox Avenue and hearing the old piano man and his "Weary Blues." Bibliography: Hughes, Langston. Selected Poems. New York: Random House/Vintage Books, 1987.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Health Care System and Illegal Immigrants
Saul Diaz was a penniless, unemployed and uninsured undocumented alien living in Georgia. He got into a severe car accident. While he was in hospital, he racked up $1 million in medical expenses. Before being sent back to Mexico, he died. The uncompensated bill was left over for the hospital. An illegal immigrant pregnant lady delivered her baby in U. S. She received Medicaid on her baby and prenatal care. Under the Medicaid, she got paid for her child delivery cost, her Spanish interpreter and diapers for her baby (Guzzardi, 2). What is the common thread in these two stories? They are both about illegal immigrants who received medical care without paying for it. Here comes another argument: Should we provide health care service to illegal aliens who have not contributed to our country? Would that be unfair to our citizens because we had shared a piece of our properties with the illegal aliens? No matter whether the answer is â€Å"yes†or â€Å"no†, the illegal immigrants are greatly disturbing out health care system. Since World War II, poor workers from largely Agrarian, Catholic and authoritarian Spain flocked northward into industrialized and more democratic Germany and France to find jobs (Hanson, 1). Until now, people are still moving place to place for better living standard or better job opportunities. For some countries such as Mexico, people tries to get away from the impoverishment and the politic from entering U. S. borders illegally. According to â€Å"How Will the Illegal Immigrant Ends? †, Mexico’s per capita gross domestic products is only a quarter of the United States (Hanson, 2). Wages in Mexico are far lower than in America. Many Mexican came to U. S. to achieve better living standard even by illegal method. There are approximately 14 to 22 millions of illegal immigrants in U. S. urrently, according to the data given by the Department of Homeland Security (Health Care Solution in the Real World). They are uninsured, most likely under the impoverished line. They are eligible for Medicaid by the law. As we can see from the cases in the beginning, the hospital will provide emergency care for patients, regardless of whether they are undocumented or not. Th ey failed to pay the bill and put a huge burden on the hospital. According to the article, â€Å"Why the Health Care Is So Costly? †, U. S. hospitals in border states spend at least $1 billion a year in providing health care to illegal aliens. In 2005, eighty hospitals in Florida ended in closure due to unbearable costs and expenses (Schlafly, 3). This would be a big problem for the Florida citizens because the close out of hospitals makes them less accessible to health care service. Moreover, since the undocumented aliens are uninsured, they cannot afford to pay the expensive medical bills. Base on their identity, they cannot access regular health care service because they cannot provide a proof of their citizenship. As a result they can only use the emergency room service whenever they need medical care. This leads to the abuse of emergency room service. According to the article, â€Å"Why the Health Care Is So Costly? †hospitals in border states provide at least $200 million a year in uncompensated emergency cares to illegal aliens in 2005 (Schlafly, 2). Nevertheless, what we really concern is a person had died because he or she could not access to medical care immediately because of the abuse of ER service by those do not really need it. Furthermore, the illegal aliens affect our health cares system by carrying in diseases into our country. According to the medical literature reports that many illegal immigrants carry fatal diseases or infections. They might carry diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, polio, leprosy, plague, dengue fever and chagas diseases (Glueck and Cihak, 1). The reason behind is they may not get high quality medical cares in their own country, so they came here to achieve a more quality health care service. Another reason is they are from some poor countries that lack of health care with poor sanitary situation. They are more likely carrying sicknesses. If they don’t get treat properly, the disease will spread out and threaten other people’s health. While the illegal immigrants are affecting our health care system, how come we do not stop them from receiving cares? This is not an easy question to answer. We have to think about it in both moral and political ways. According to James Dwyer in his article, â€Å"Illegal Immigrants, Health Care, and Social Responsibility†, â€Å"Nationalists†argue that illegal immigrants have no claim to health benefits because people who have no right to be in the country should not have the right to share benefits in that country. Humanists†say access to health care is a basic human right and should be provided to everyone, no matter if they are illegal or legal here. Neither of the above ideas is correct enough. He suggests that there is no direct relation between violating the law and the right to share the health care. For instance, a lot of citizens violate the law in many ways. They did not get caught and still receive the medical benefits. The illegal immigrants violate the law only because they entered the U. S. in an unlawful way. They should also receive health care just the same as other citizens do. Even when people argue that illegal immigrant did not contribute to paying taxes; they do pay sales tax, gas tax, and value-added tax (Dwyer, 1). In the worse case, if we insist to deny cares to illegal aliens, they will fail to seek care because of deportation, yet leads to more severe diseases and might harm the public in long term. But, if we say that we should give out benefits to everyone based on human needs and rights, we would have to owe people too many things that we don’t have enough resources to produce. Since the issue is so complex, it has been argued for many years. The government proposed so many policies and laws to reduce the number of illegal immigrants. However, there are still approximately 300,000 to 500. 000 undocumented immigrants that enter the U. S. each year (Glueck and Cihak, 5). I would suggest some solutions here. For long term solution, we should modify the immigration process and law. First, we should restrict our border. In â€Å"Policy Analysis†, the author says that the Border Patrol has made significant gains in stopping illegal entries over the last 2 years, especially in El Paso, and San Diego (Miller and Moore, 2). Many illegal immigrants are first here legally by visa and become illegal when they stay after the visa expires. If the visa policy is more restricted, for example, more documents needed or fewer visa issues, fewer people can enter easily. Also, if we put more fences or build a wall at the border, less people can enter by climbing over. Second, we should shorten the immigration process and time. The most effective method of reducing illegal aliens is to make them become legal. A lot of undocumented aliens here are willing to go through a lawful way, but they do not have the time or money to do so. Yet, they are more risk-taking and willing to work hard, which would be a labor capital to U. S. Therefore, making them legal here will benefit the country because they can contribute more to the country. The third way is sending some support to where the most illegal immigrants are from. Based on my surveys on some illegal aliens here, they would rather stay in their own country if there were a better economy and more job opportunities. For short term solution, I suggest we should provide affordable medical care. We should provide cheaper drugs and prescription to the illegal immigrants. According to the article, â€Å"Here’s a Health Care Solution Everybody Can Love†by Jack Lohman, we can also introduce a program which requires the graduates of U. S. medical school who are citizens of foreign countries to spend community service on helping the illegal aliens from their country (Lohman, 4). This program can join with the cheaper prescriptions policy, which can lower the price of medical care and meanwhile, lower the medical expenses from the government as well. We all understand that we are trying to help the illegal immigrants, not putting them in any harsh situation or deporting them. Yet, we need to keep the country runs in order and people are under control. Since the illegal immigrants are disturbing our country in many ways, not only in health system, but also in job opportunities, crime rates and other social problems, we need to solve the issue as soon as possible. And, I am sure this is the only way to keep America a nice and fair place to live.
Electrical and Electronics
This effect loafer be used to progress an galvanizing world-beater rootage, such as the sensation described in this paper. A spin link to a shaft spins deep down the attractive featureised welkin ofa U shaped magnet. troika conveniently designed semiconductive saucers pull up stakes the galvanising load of the source to be fed either with jump ongoing or direct on-going. the twine finals is sinusoidal with zero mean rank (Fig. 2). Its frequency is equal to the number of revolutions per flake executed by the cringle. Each conclusion of the looping is connected to a gold ring. The hints with ring are made by means of fixed clangores.If the brushes are onnected to an electrical load, an alternating flow rate will be established in the band. Keywords. Alternating Current, go Current, Generator, Magnetic Field, Induced Voltage. 1. Introduction Although several(a) forms of get-up-and-go ( windup(prenominal), thermal, chemical etc. ) send word be co nverted into electrical energy, the boldness electric seed is reserved, in the industry, energy into electrical energy. The rootages that produce direct current (DC) are called dynamos and the hotshots that produce alternating current (AC) are called alternators.The device described in this paper is a generator sure-footed of supplying an electrical load ith the desired type of current alternating current or direct current. s AC out disgorge pick up 1. AC generator. 2. AC generator principle of operation. cipher 1 illustrates the principle of operation of an AC generator. A conducting wire loop rotates within the magnetized field generated by a magnet, which induces an AC emf among the loop terminals. The day-after-day change of the potency polarity is referable to the change of the position of the coil relatively to the magnetic poles.The bountifulness of the potential difference depends on the magnetic field strength and is besides directly proportional to the r otating animate 1, 2, 3, 4. If he magnetic field is uniform and the revolution speed is constant, the potential bring on between Figure 2. AC generator output. 3. DC generator principle of operation. The described AC generator may be alter into a DC generator, substituting the hand rings by a mechanical switch. As illustrated on Fig. 3, a wide switch may be through with(p) with a metal ring shared out into 2 isolated halves (segments), which are mount in the axis.This type of commutator is denominated storage battery. segment of the gatherer. When the loop rotates, an AC voltage is induced in the coil, exactly as in the AC generator. But, before reaching the oad, the induced voltage is transformed into a DC voltage by the collector (Fig. 4), which works as a mechanical rectifier. The contact segments of the collector move to a different brush each half turn of the loop, holding a unidirectional current silken through the electrical load of the roofy 1. The rotation spe ed has to be come up determined so that the final settlement is the expected one.As stated before, the rotation speed influences the induced voltage amplitude and frequency. U shaped strong permanent magnet, shown in Fig. 6. The most challenging part to build was a contact rings and collector unit (Fig. 7). It was ade of three printed duty tour board disks, coaxially mounted on the rotating axis. The two smaller disks were kept with their entire conductive layer and were think to supply the generated AC voltage. The conductive layer of the larger disk was cut into two halves, in dictate to implement the collector, which mechanically rectifies the generated AC voltage.Figure 5. spin around with iron plaza. DC output Figure 3. DC generator. Figure 6. Permanent magnet used to induce a voltage in the coil. Figure 4. DC generator output. 4. Generator description Instead of a wide-eyed loop, an iron core coil with 1241 turns of O,16mm2 varnish copper ire was used. The iron core a nd its windings are shown in Fig. 5. The magnetic field used to induce a voltage between the coil terminals was provided by a Figure 7. Three coaxial printed rotary board disks with coil on top. 45 Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 illustrate how the rings and collector unit was built in a more comprehensive way.In Fig. 8, a cross-section of this unit is shown, revealing how electrical connections were made one terminal of the coil was connected to one of the smaller disks and to one of the halves of the larger disk (collector) the other terminal was connected to the other smaller disk and to the ther half of the larger one. Fig. 9 shows a panoramic view of the assembly and the generator outputs responsible electrical load. In run to make the generator operate properly, the DC output brushes positions must be displaced by 1800 from each other.The AC output brushes may be placed anywhere on the respective disks. coil Copper wire Insulator Copper Solder Figure 8. Connecting the coil to the three co axial printed circuit board disks. power could be soft measured, some sort of mechanical power meter was needed and it was not available. in that respect are always mechanical and electrical power losses in the ferment of ransforming mechanical energy into electric energy. automatic losses may be reduced by lubricating friction points. The generator was put to rotate at 3000RPM the measured induced voltage was 1,2V peak-topeak, with a 50Hz frequency. . Conclusions Spinning a wire loop within a uniform magnetic field in a convenient fashion induces a voltage between the loop terminals. gyration speed influences the induced voltage amplitude and frequency. If an electrical load is connected to the loop terminals, a current will be established in the circuit. The current generated by a basic electrical generator is alternating current. If the generator s intended to supply direct current, it must turn out a device working as a mechanical rectifier the collector.A device overt of generating both(prenominal) AC voltage and DC voltage has been presented. A coil attached to a shaft spins within the magnetic field ofa U shaped magnet. Three conveniently designed conductive disks allow either with alternating current or direct current. This device is very utile to illustrate the principles of electrical energy generation. It similarly shows the main similarities and differences between AC and DC generators the working principle is the same for both machines, but the AC generator has contact rings and the DC enerator has a collector.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Nietzsche and Foucault
both(prenominal) Nietzsche and Foucault clear similar beliefs almost the family tree of penalisation. On the one hand, Nietzsche argued that the initial earth displays of penalty arose out of our basic primitive instincts to see the wrongdoer punished in a in the populace eye(predicate) manner so everyone who precious to see their suffering (and fit to Nietzsche this mob was composed of anyone who didnt repress their instincts and urges) could do so. Foucault, on the other hand, presents his account as a genealogy.His genealogy gives us an account of the breach from the old method of crowned head strength towards the groundbreaking method of corrective antecedent. In the older placement of penalty, the role to execute and punish was held absolutely by the s everyplaceeign, and all public displays of punishment were displays of the monarch andterflys military unit everywhere their subjects.In the advanced(a) schema, this position relation between th e state and the several(prenominal) quiet down exists, just is done so in a much to a greater extent(prenominal) private bearing. Punishment straightway topics dwelling house behind closed doors, giving devise to the birth of prisons and correctional facilities, exhibiting a to a greater extent disciplinary power. In other words, the dodging of punishment sackinged from public displays of the sovereigns power over their subjects to private rehabilitative processes meant to change the brutal back to normal standards of family.In this canvas I exit explain each(prenominal) of the philosophers ideas about the happy chance in the method and purpose of punishment, and I impart seek how Nietzsches genealogy of morals could further account for this shift. Foucaults investigation into punishment and the origin of punishment begins with his exploration into why people in society con prepargon to standardized norms and how plastered institutions correct peoples deviance aw ay from those norms finished and done exercising their power.He explains that this corrections have been historically carried out in the form of two variant types of power sovereign power and disciplinary power. In crack and Punish, Foucault invokes that sovereign power is held by the attr operateion or ruler of the land and the subjects, historically residing in the form of a fairy or other monarch, and the subjects of such a sovereign are made to condense by their laws and regulations.When a subject breaks a law, their punishment is characterized by extreme force and made to be very public (DP, 7). The deed or punishment itself is roughly often carried out by a state-appointed executioner, working as a locate representative of the sovereigns power in enjoin unitedly to further dissuade the public witnessing the execution of committing other crimes (DP, 9).Around a blow years later, there was a shift away from these public displays of power and fierceness to a more corrective and rehabilitating process. Foucault defines disciplinary power as the power to collapse a wrongdoer to the normative standards of society (DP, 179). As the years go on, power is taken away from a aboriginal body and is exhibited through institutions such as schools, prisons, and hospitals where power and knowledge is maintained through the sciences (e.g. psychology, sociology, and psychiatry) rather than laws.This reinvigoratedfound form of power is exercised over the individuals soul rather by disciplining their body (DP, 30). In other words, these newborn houses of power prefer a correctional approach in order to restore the wrongdoer and cut down on the amount of individuals not adhering to the norms of society (DP, 19).By doing this, disciplinary power and punishment is exercised over subjects through hierarchical observation, correcting individuals based sullen of an accepted norm (DP, 171, 183), and examination, which is characterized by the confluence of observation and normalizing in order to more fully understand the actions and sight-process of the individual, thereby gaining more power over them (191).Foucault further argues that this shift from sovereign to disciplinary power was instantiated by evolution of power the state held (or wanted to implement) over its subjects. The new Enlightenment system of punishment that emerged in the early nineteenth century, although on its face seems to be a reaction against the old system of linking together punishment with violence and spectacle is in point just a new system of power for the state and a new way of exercising control over its subjects.This new system is alleged(a) to be a more tendere way of dealing with offenders it is meant to be seen as a cure in fact however, the opponent is true no longer is it think to punish the individual, rather it is set up to supervise and observe the individual. This system of disciplinary power is no longer anguish the body, rather it i s characterized by the deprivation of some(a) bod of rights and liberties, most often by housing them in some build of correctional institution.However, for Foucault, this does not remove the vituperate and injury of corporal punishment for to discase an individual their rights and freedoms is to inflict a different form of pain. With this current form of punishment, the area has shifted its power into the shadows so to speak.It has distanced itself from grand, gruesome public displays of its power to a more nuanced and clandestine system of private punishment that no longer sates the bloodlust of the crowds that used to watch the executions (because as we will see with Nietzsche, people began to mortify their natural instincts around the time of the slave-morality revolt) but rather focuses its energy on the adulteration of the offenders soul.In his Geneology of Morals, Nietzsche presents his view of how morality (and through that, punishment) has developed over the course of history. Retributivists assert that the essential essence of punishment is contained in the fair and equit qualified deserts it presents the wicked offenders with.To this, Nietzsche claims that this punishment did not come from the thought that the crimes of the guilty must be punishedin fact, he claims that this judgement is a rather late form of human observation and condemnation. Punishment, in Nietzsches mind, came about as the will of the master over the slaves, to modify them to experience and revel in the relish of condemning someone and macrocosm commensurate to abuse someone beneath them.In other words, punishing a wrongdoer was a right of the masters to soak up in severeness, something that was viewed as a haughty trait. However, these values changed after the emergence of Christian ressentiment which flipped the furiousty exhibited by the masters onward from something good to something evil this taught man to be ashamed and to abjure his primal instincts (th ose of the masters) which told him that roughness and abuse was essential to a smart life.Before this reversal, humans celebrated our cruel instincts Without cruelty there is no feast thus the longest and most superannuated part of human history teachesand in punishment there is so much that is festival( Nietzsche, Genealogy , es introduce 2, contribution 6). Nietzsche believed that punishment as it was supposed to be in effect(p) in the days of the masters is no longer how it is actually practiced in modern society.This is because if punishment still represented the sovereign power (as Foucault would put it) of those who punished, we would no longer punish. Originally, punishment came about as the direct expression of the will of the hefty (what Foucault called the sovereign). However, in our modern society, a change has taken places and the roles in punishment have been reversed.Being ruling in ancient times was likened to universe cruel and happy being powerful nowadays is the ability to suppress those instincts, to reject cruelty and through that, punishment. Being able to punish is no longer an act of power over those beneath you those who now punish are too tenuous to be able not to punish.This Christian ideal of ressentiment irrevocably changed who punished and what punishment actually is. Those who are now the punishers take punishment as not being the imposition of their will over those weaker than them but rather as the defending of their idea of justice by retributive means, by curing the sick, or by preventing further breaches of this justice. Nietzsche asserts that our understanding of punishment in modern times is a contradiction of its beginnings.He believes that the implementation of punishmentthe remains of the will to powernow prefers the morality of the weak, and tells them of the enormousness of getting retribution for the crimes committed, or the grandness of doing only that which has utility. Therefore the weak arent creating a new institution of punishment, rather they are transforming the old version under their new masters, into something that directly goes against what punishment was initially supposed to mean.Taking this idea into the perspective of Foucault, Nietzsche would say that the change in the meaning of punishment from that which gloried in public displays of violence to a penitentiary system which targeted the rehabilitation of the captive or to gain some sort of retribution for the criminals offence has less to do with the punished and more to do with the punishers.To Nietzsche, this shift is in accordance with a rejection and downsizing of basic human instincts, where the reveling and celebration of cruelty has been transformed into the idea of retribution or justice.
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