Thursday, October 31, 2019
Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 19
Finance - Essay Example The profit after corporate tax rate of 30% comes to $ 7245000. The Net Present Values of the project has been calculated by taking into account the initial investment and the cash flow streams at the end of every year and it comes to $ -28566432.13 (Kirkpatrick and Weiss, 1996, p. 15). This means that the company would not be able to break even at the end of 4 years and thus the new technology should be implemented for avoiding the expenditure burden for the company. In the scenario of adoption of the new technology, the company would be able to reduce the per unit production cost and as a result of which the profit for the company will increase at the same selling price of the product (Peterson and Fabozzi, 2004, p. 71). The company has to incur an initial investment of $55000000. The advantage for this project is that the company will get back a salvage value of the new machine at the end of four years and also some value from the resale of the old machine. The cash flows at the end of each year would also be more compared to the old machine. Thus after calculation of the NPV it is found that it is still negative but the figure is much better as compared to the old machine. The financing for the new Machine can be done by selling the old machine @ $ 1,20,00,000 and the remaining amount of $ 5,50,00,000 has to be taken as a loan from a bank with a rate of interest @ 9 % pa. Thus the interest has to be deducted from the Profit before calculating the NPV of the new project (Chapman and Ward, 2007, p. 47). Decision Tree Analysis: It is one of the commonly used techniques for evaluating the permeability of a project. In case of a decision tree, the projects various possible situations are calculated and their associated probabilities of occurrences are taken into consideration. Accordingly a diagram is plotted and that gives an idea of the situations that might happen due to the occurrence of a particular project and how much return it
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Generational Shifts in the Workplace Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Generational Shifts in the Workplace - Article Example Moreover, as people from the different generations spend more time with one another, they are in a position to remove their differences and build good rapport which is conducive for more work and lesser fuss. Managers should tend to make employees from different generations benefit from one another’s expertise. For example, old employees have more experience and are aware of the traps. They know how to deal with intricate situations and companies benefit from their strategic planning. Likewise, young employees are more skilled in technology, unlike the old employees. They have great knowledge of computer and can operate difficult software with extreme comfort. In order to progress in the contemporary age with so many competitors in the market, companies are in need of both the strategic planning of the elderly and the technological expertise of the young employees. Nevertheless, it is essential to inculcate the skills of decision making in young employees and make the old empl oyees competent enough in the use of technology.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Exoticism in Art: Picasso and Gauguin
Exoticism in Art: Picasso and Gauguin The Exoticism in the Work of Picasso and Gauguin Ask important critical questions in the text. Intricately merge discussion of the two images Write about two pages on each image Introduction Picasso and Gauguin frequently deal with the ideas and values associated with non-western culture. This dissertation looks at one manifestation of this process: what is often referred to as the ‘exotic. This dissertation will look at what the exotic means, specifically for Picasso and Gauguin. It will examine why they were drawn to the idea of the exotic and how they made it their own. How did they imagine it would make their work more vital, vibrant or vivid? By comparing the exotic nature of the work of Picasso and Gauguin it is possible to see the similarity inherent in their exotic ideals and ignorance of non-western culture, however they differ in relation to how their work evolves and their anarchist views. They heard about Africa through a European centred view which †¦.. This It will be shown that they lusted after an exotic world, and how this emerged from a limited Western society and artistic landscape. A Western society based on the reliance on the myths and colonialist ideals, shaped by the mass-media . media. Exoticism is the allure of a culture different from the artist or viewers own, it is about a fascination for the aesthetics of another culture and a yearning for difference. This notion of ‘difference in a Western artists work represents the fantasy of escape from all forms of Western culture and academic systems of art. Exoticism is a term derived from the location of the ‘Orient, a term used in 19th-century France to denote the Near East and the surrounding areas of Northern Africa and Western Asia.[1] Looking at the imperialist power relation between East and West at the time,[2] the ‘exotic does not merely convey information but actually constructs its subject.[3] It positions the Orient, or the exotic, as the lesser half of a dichotomy where the West holds the power and strength of being ‘normal, the Orient becomes the ‘other in relation to it. The Western artists who created exotic art had the problem not only of their own conventional understandings, but of having to represent non-Western culture and non-Western art itself for Western consumption.[4] French symbolists coped with this by appropriating the distant object of ‘the exotic, by describing it in a familiar language to their society.[5] Picasso was a great exoticist although he never travelled to Africa. He could be called a sedentary Gauguin because where Gauguin travelled himself, Picasso had the exotic nature of Eastern islands brought to him through photographs and writings, creating a type of ‘arm-chair exoticism.'[6] Picasso drew from other works and created his own interpretations. His art has an originality of a practical order, the search for correct material is an art of imitation and distorted variations upon the original.[7] Whereas, Gauguin expands on the myth of Tahiti,[8] emphasizing the ‘exotic and the French preconceptions with a foreign culture. For Gauguin the myth of Tahiti would bring his aims into sharp focus. [9] Picassos ‘African period is termed as falling between 1907-1909, however, after this period his later work was still strongly influenced by Iberian sculpture. Picassos work from the first two decades of the twentieth century will be the prominent focus of this debate, beginning with his first ventures into exoticism during his ‘African period, starting from his first inspirations through African art. Matisse claimed that it was he who introduced Picasso to African art in 1906 when he purchased an African mask [10] and brought it to a dinner party at Gertrude Steins home, who was a good friend of Picassos. Several This is impossible to prove but several of Picassos friends such as Max Jacob vividly remembered Picassos connection to African art: ‘fascinated by the black idols, he had been working all night. Cubism had been born (seckel, 233),.[11] And and in March 1907 there is evidence that he purchased two Iberian sculptured heads, starting his what would eventually grow into an wide extensive and varied collection of African art,.[12] including a large collection of African and Oceanic sculptures and masks. In 1907 he created Les Demoiselles dAvignon which appears to be heavily influenced by African sculpture and was possibly inspired by Picassos visit to the Musee de Trocadero in May or June 1907[13] which housed African masks and sculptures. [14] It is here he is said to have had a ‘revelation about African sculpture.[15] However, Picasso vehemently denied any African influence in his work. In the 1920s when asked if this had an influence on his work he replied â€Å"Lart negre? Connais pas!†(African art? Dont know it!†)[16] For Picasso, African influence was as much a part of social criticism as it was for as a search for a new art.[17] He amassed a large collection of African and Oceanic sculptures and masks†¦ D espite his taste for exoticism from an early age , It it was not until 1891 when Gauguin first arrived in Tahiti that he finally entered his Polynesian period.,[18] despite his taste for exoticism from an early age. In Gauguins day, race provided the predominant intellectual and practical framework in which cultural, linguistic and psychological differences could be examined and expressed; because of its adaptability it was also an effective colonial tool for substantiating any cultural or national hierachy. Gauguin mirrored the typical Nineteenth Century French attitude of Africa; expressing a preference for difference combined with a willful ignorance of historical and cultural practices, marking it as exoticism.[19] Gauguin pursued an interest in travelling and he appeared to have a great desire for difference but until he lived in Tahiti he seemed to have relatively little interest in learning much about the foreign lands and cultures he saw. [20] A lot of the inspiration and influence in their work, that delves into an exotic world was marred by Frances feelings on Eastern culture during this period and how they saw it as ‘primitive. Since the arrival of the European colonial power in Africa from the fifteenth century, the islands were sites of exoticism for Europeans, where fantasies about race, sex and utopian societies could be fulfilled. [21] The artists viewed ‘utopian societies as being about the search for an ideal world; in terms of social, moral and political aspects. In the early 1900s there were utopian visions of a liberal movement which merged with the symbolist movement in art. Anarcho-symbolist ideas helped Picasso form an idea of himself as an artist in a European society and about the virtues of unsophisticated ‘primitive art.[22] The liberation was a revolutionary new struggle for a new society.[23] The European artists first major source of images and information about Africa, would have come through the popular press, itself influenced by fantasy and prejudice. The European prejudice was based on the perceived threat of the minority forces to the tradition European values, coupled with the absence of positive feelings towards them.[24] Political interests also influence the press and this predated actual French contact with urban and tribal populations in Africa and were reinforced by novels and accounts by missionaries, and explorers, often accompanied by fantastic illustrations. To this were added the forced labour and fear in the two congos why, which dominated discussion in late 1905.[25] These elements culminated in modernists minds to form both political outrage and yet essentially romanticized notions about instinct and ‘fetish worship. Explain?! * Summary of each paras to be put at the end of intro. I shall begin by exploring the ‘lure of non-western culture for the artists, why they were inticedenticed by difference and how this influenced their work; the fantasy created by accounts of explorers and how European colonialism influenced their work. In my second chapter I shall explore why they desired sexually primitive women, how they saw them as accommodating the white male bourgeoisie and how they juxtaposed African sexuality against European bourgeois norms. I shall also explore the seemingly different sex codes of the East. In my final chapter I shall create a critical exploration as to what extent they found the exotic nature they were looking for, how it lived up to their expectations and whether it made their work more vital, vibrant and vivid. I shall also explore whether their work showed the ‘true nature of African culture. Chapter 1-The Lure of the Exotic The logic of exoticism is a cycle; the more one is immersed in a culture, the more one discovers sameness and seeks even greater difference. [26] The more Picasso and Gauguin found out about non-western society, the more enticed they became by this foreign culture, leading to it featuring predominantly in their work. The colonialism, fantasy and culture of non-western society offered new means of expression for the artists and are integral in assessing the lure of the exotic for Picasso and Gauguin. I shall also examine why they were enticed by Africa and how the accounts for explorers and knowledge of colonialism influenced them to explore Africa. For Gauguin, Tahiti was a place in which he could fulfill his fantasies, plunging into a free and exotic culture, free from the constraints of his own French culture. He described living in Tahiti as: ‘civilisation is leaving me little by little†¦ ‘I have all the pleasures of a free, animal and human life. I escape from the artificial; I enter into nature. Gauguin wrote this shortly after coming to the island paradise.[27] The anarchist background of Picasso meant that everything to do with Africa was charged with political meaning during this time and leant meaning to their force of Primitivism. The critic Leiris was close to Picasso, and as such strongly influenced and paralleled his thoughts on African Art. He explores the difficulties created by his own relationship as a European to non-European culture, especially Africa. Leiris, in his article ‘LOeil de lethnographe (The Eye of the Ethnographer) he explores the fashion for African art and the exoticism of the Africa of fiction and dreams to explore the absurdities and racial assumptions behind European negrophilia.[28] He feels that the European ideal of Africa will always be about exoticism and fantasy, the real and fantastic, confused between the contradictions of the objective and subjective.[29] Gauguin obviously identified himself in some way with what he imagined to be a ‘savage life. Gauguin saw himself both as the subjugated savage and the dominating conqueror. This is significant because of the period, a time of renewed European colonialism and vigorous debate about imperial policies.[30] Fantasy of the exotic; the traveler is constantly asking to recall the fabled exoticism of ‘primitive cultures. Travelers who ventured in to Africa in the early Nineteenth Century frequently returned with fantastical tales of human sacrifice, cannibalism, violence, sensuality and doom that were made much of in the French press, emphasizing the purported savagery of customs they misconstrued in accordance with their pre-conceptions.[31] Picassos art represented the naà ¯ve fantasy of the ‘Other and was possibly based on the fantastical tales and images brought to France by travelers who had ventured into Africa. Picassos ‘African period of art took inspiration solely from art objects which came to stand in for Africa itself. There is great irony in Picassos work because while he was obsessed with African imagery he never travelled to the continent.[32] African objects became kinds of forces, often unspoken and unlicensed, which he needed in order to break the constraints of modernity. Africa was most useful to Picasso when it was confined to the unconscious, mediating other needs and desires while not serving as a primary faction in itself. [33] Iconography was taken from African sculpture as an artistic device for distinguishing avant-garde art, and a conceptual tool for signifying anarchy and transgression.[34] Black imagery whether drawn from popular carvings or from African carvings, suited the arti sts need for inspiration, difference and subversion.[35] In pre-war Paris, African carvings entered the art market and fuelled the avant-gardes need for new forms of expression. African carvings that reached Paris at the turn of the century were generally and collectively referred to as ‘lart negre or ‘les fetishes.'[36] Europes avant-garde absorbed African imagery into cubism and expressionism, as part of an artists short-hand that stood for the exotic, authentic and spontaneous; sentiments sympathetic with their anarchist status. Expand on his anarchist status For instance even the African forms were not painstakingly represented, the primitive was implicit in depictions of the female nude and the aggressive manner in which the model was sexualized.[37] The French popular Press with mass illustrations such as le journal illustre, lillustration and Le Tour de Monde and the illustrated supplements of the newspapers Le Petit Journal and Le Petit Parisien, played up to fantastical tales, as part of a successful attempt to justify the French conquest. This largely influenced Picassos fantasy of the exotic through its subjugated view of Africa and political fluency. The press followed the war only superficially, concentrating instead on the legendary grotesque practices of the natives. [38] what war? explain Picasso may be seen as more greatly influenced by the French press because he never travelled to Africa, preferring to learn about it from texts and images, whereas Gauguin lived in Africa, immersing himself in the culture and seeing for himself the juxtaposition between fantasy and reality. With primitivism Picasso crossed a geo-political frontier and imported African bodies into Western salons during the peak of colonialism. Picasso may have drawn on the dialogue of postcards whose recurrent subject matter was female nudes[39]. Anne Baldassari drew upon an inventory of Picassos collection of picture postcards, they included postcards of ‘alien people and tribal groups. For example, Picasso possessed albumen prints (used as a photographic device in the early 1900s, it describes negatives exposed to sunlight and printed onto light sensitive albumen paper[40]) (it was the first commercially exploitable method of producing a photographic print-taken from wiki) dating from 1860-80 which included visiting card portraits of Polynesians and a series of postcards from West Africa mainly produced by Daker-based postcard publisher Edmund Frontier.[41] reword A photo-postcard by Edmund Frontier entitled ‘Femme Malinke (Malinke Woman) 1906 appears to directly inspire Picassos ‘Female Nude with Raised Arms 1908. In the images the women appear to situate themselves in an almost identical pose, standing upright with their arms raised above their heads. [42] Picasso uses cubist abstraction to accentuate the features into a more ‘Africanised style, accentuating her womanly curves; the shape of her buttocks and thighs. He also uses strong features that appear inspired by African masks; lozenge shaped eyes and a strong jaw. The postcard evokes a tribal woman, adorned with necklaces (possibly a symbol of her tribe?) ‘Female Nude with Raised Arms saw Picassos African art emerge into a cubist style[43], the feminine body is broken into feminine abstraction, similar to Picassos ‘Three Women 1908. Picassos seemingly primitive endevoursendeavours carried him beyond what many of the public admired about his rose and blue period.[44] Picassos transition from ‘Africanism into cubist proper for which Cezanne seems to be the dominant model.[45] expand Picassos cubism is an abstracting and reorganization classical constraints and a mediated representation of art up until this time.[46] The concepts of pathological distortion or symbolic syntax such as caricature supplies promoted Picasso to undertake a re-ordering and distortion of facial features.[47] The asymmetry of a womanswomans face is not normally part of any of the known mask traditions of Africa. However, the torso of the woman is quite clearly inconceivable without the precedent of non-European mask art.[48] When avant-garde artists such as Picasso began working with African sculptures, they did not make the distinction between curios and genuine ethnographic objects. They were more concerned with what the objects in their paintings would signify rather than their authenticity. [49] Few artists appreciated the African objects; such as masks and statues for their aesthetic beauty and instead were fascinated by their crudeness of expression. Picasso in ‘Female Nude with Raised Arms represents the more grotesque forms of African carvings, rather than depicting her feminine beauty because of their sharp contrast with European art.[50] Through artworks based on evoking a ‘tribal‘ life and art which he saw as violent and degenerate, Picasso is able to implicitly reject colonialism through pointedly revealing ethnic difference.[51] Tribal life was seen as collective or primitive socialism. Everything has become capitalist and liberal Western societies have vanished in the political and cultural milieu of the twentieth century. Therefore, tribal life represented a taboo form, which Picasso was keen to accentuate. Gauguin also drew inspiration from fabled stories and travelers, especially the traveller Moerenhaut. Gauguin read with considerable care the very detailed anthropological and historical accounts provided by Moerenhout, as well as the writings of other travelers.[52] Moerenhaut had clearly benefited from a good, classical French education[53] and found the lure of non-Western culture within the differences in civil law and religion which in turn inspired Gauguin to create such works as ‘There lies a temple (1892) Gauguin wanted to represent the original Tahiti, as it was before colonialism, to do so he had to look in accounts of travelers, those who had been fortunate enough to have seen or heard from the mouths of the elders accounts of travelers stories of ancient times,. But but Gauguin borrowed elements of the book by Moerenhaut to reconstruct a world through the texts he had read, interlinking it with his own experience.[54] Gauguin wrote his own account of his travels, part reality and part myth on which interpretation of a great many of his paintings can be based. In ‘There lies a Temple the composition reveals a conflict between reality and fiction.[55] It shows a composition based on the scene of Tahiti, with abundant vegetation rendered in green, pink-violet and orange which sets the tone; behind it runs a fence, its forms inspired by Asian models, which creates a barrier uninterrupted by openings anywhere. In the centre of the image is the sunrise, in radiant yellow, that dominates the overall composition of the painting. Gauguin, during his time in Tahiti maintained his penchant for complimentary complementary colours and still mostly applied them in an impressionist style. In Tahiti the dazzling light can produce hues that are unusual to the Western audience and therefore appear exotic with tropical intensity.[56] The inspiration for the titleeponymous temple lies in front of a mountain ran ge at the right-hand side of the painting, a monumental stone temple figure, at the foot of which rising smoke emanates. Yet there were no temples left standing in Tahiti, no stone images of gods and no fences marked the boundaries of sacred areas.[57] It is perhaps more inspired by Moerenhauts book in which is described the worship of the moon goddess Hina in the form of a ten-metre high stone statue located on distant Easter Island. Gauguins paintings therefore, like Picassos, may be considered an unauthentic and inaccurate ethnological report which does not benefit future European artists-p.38. Instead it expands on the myth of Africa, not due to Gauguins lack of knowledge, but perhaps to expand on the lure of the exotic and fulfill the expectations of his French audience, representing the world with which outsiders associated him. The religious aspect of the painting seems deliberately falsified, in all letter to his wife he explains the title ‘here lies the temple by sayi ng ‘there lies the temple, a place reserved for the cult of gods, and for human sacrifice (ref in text)[58] All from gs skirt-reword and relate to temple and raised arms painting Gauguins use of exoticism in his work and his preference for difference combined with an almost willful cultural and historical ignorance that was extremely common in 19th century France. [59] The violence and anarchy of an old Tahiti was apparent, but Gauguin preferred to stress the gentleness and compassion of the culture. Gauguin also expressed a willful and historical ignorance of Tahiti, a typical attitude in France at the time; expressing the barbarity of native lore and traditions yet the fundamental humanity of a culture that gave rise to them.[60] Gauguin was determined to develop new themes in keeping with his new surroundings and to adapt some old ones to a new context. [61] The history of the 19th Century French past is conjoined with the South Pacific; their religious beliefs, cultural and sexual? practices. Gs skirt-p.155 The women in Gauguins ‘Ta Matete, ‘The Market are prostitutes, posed like the figures in ancient Egyptian wall painting. The one in yellow at the right holds a cigarette between the fingers of her right hand; two others proudly display health inspection certificates as if they were the painted fans of the French society women. Such behaviour was inconsistent with order, stability, prosperity and the overall French mission civilitrice. -P.155 gs skirt-Anti-govermentalgovernmental sentiment was expressed in more thamthan just verbal form, natives flaunted laws and customs which promoted moral proprierty, physical health and industry. Relate to a painting by Picasso. Both used symbolism to enhance the viewers perceived idea of the debasement and cultural inferiority of another race. Chapter 2-The Desire for a Sexually ‘Exotic Culture Sex codes less rigidly defined-‘what! are you jealous? Concept of identity-the masculine, how Gauguin was seen as feminine. Male dominance, woman as prostitutes- Olympia, poses women posed to accommodate men-comparison of les demoiselles and spirit watching Caricatures of women-represent cultural ignorance? Gauguin and Picasso desire a sexually exotic woman because they are enticed by the schemata of difference and want to project fantasies of white masculinity on to the seemingly base woman. Often ignoring the beauty of women and concentrating on the historical and cultural example of subjectivity. [62]expand They use caricatures and stereotypes of African women in their artwork, Picasso often using features of African masks as inspiration while Gauguin situates his women in a suggestive and sexually enticing manner for the viewer. White male dominance Gauguin and Picasso create a conundrum of oppositions between the passivity of the black female and dominance of the white male conqueror. [63] The ‘primitive creates a paradox: it entices artists in the desire for an exotic nature and yet similataneouslysimultaneously repels them. The fantasy of the exotic woman is pressured to the point where often cracks start to appear and white masculinity prevails[64] crisis of masculinity-continued. P.76 expand 20.p.165. Although Gauguin sought to disparage masculine sexual impulses, in reality the dominating power of the masculine and exaggerated male sexual strength was also naturalised and secretly admired at the same time that it was condemned. Gauguins sympathy for, yet possessiveness over the women in his work sent a threatening message as did the depiction of dread and desire implicit in the female. 20. p.165 Although Gauguins texts such as Noa Noa sought to construct him as ‘savage rather than reveal his true self, he nevertheless exposed in such works culturally formed attitudes towards sexuality, nature and his own desires. Gauguin and Picasso in ‘Spirit of the Dead Watching and ‘Les Demoiselles dAvignon shows two different modes of representing woman as prostitutes, living up to mans desires. They mark a divide between the sexes: between men who can continually ask for sexual services and women who have no opportunity to dispute this. reword 22.p.598 These scenes bring up conundrums between European and other, white and black, female and male, pure and perverse and heterosexual and homosexual. (reword, taken from les dem essay) The subjects of Picasso and Gauguins work are often represented in a hazardous sexual directness, which non-western culture tended to avoid. The power of this sexual primitiveness therefore makes it unclear as to whether Picasso and Gauguin intended their masculine viewer to dominate the female figures or for the figures to dominate them. Women were posed to accommodate the viewer. The exotic nature of Picasso and Gauguins work merged with white masculine prejudice to create a threatening image which was at once desirable and yet hazardroushazardous in its sexual directness. Some of their paintings projectsproject the power of female sexuality onto a largely masculine culture. . Griselda Pollock; ‘Tehamanas body is appropriated to signify Gauguins desire as a white man and artist. [65] (put in about lack of acceptance of Gauguins work at the time?) In ‘Les Demoiselles dAvignon the second sex puts the male viewer at the advantage yet a moral disadvantage for men who exploit human beings. However, instead of letting her bathe in innocence the picture offers up a guilty thrill at viewing up close the ritual performed well away from the curious and censorious.[66] Similarly in ‘Spirit of the Dead Watching the man is put at an advantage through the cultural debasement of the women as prostitutes, exemplified through the male view of the womens indifference to the males subjectificationobjectification.[67] In a text attributed to Gauguin a Tahitian woman is compared to a cat in her savagery and impulsive vigour.[68] ‘She asks to be raped. She is totally indifferent to any consideration you might have for her. ‘She lives as [if] she will never be wanting and this prevents her from being unduly calculating.'[69] (p.214) It is in the debasement of Tehamana that he finds her the most beautiful. [70] Similarly in à ¢â‚¬ËœSpirit of the Dead Watching the woman is in a pose where she appears to seemingly ask to be raped. This differs from ‘Les Demoiselles dAvignon where the women seem sexually powerful in the poses, standing and posed facing the viewer as opposed to Spirit of the Dead watching where the woman is lying down with her back to the viewer. The sexually threatening undercurrents of Les Demoiselles is unlike ‘Spirit of the dead watching who appears fearful despite the sexual directness which Gauguin appropriates as an example of the cultural laxness of the society. Find a ref to back this up. ‘Les Demoiselles dAvignon lends force the power of exotic power through sexual directness. Rubin draws attention to the mesmerizing mesmerising and even terrifying caricatures expand of the masks, it is a transgressive confrontation that projects a trauma, ‘something that transcends our sense of civilized experience, something ominous and monstrous.'[71] ‘While Spirit of the Dead Watching, rather than lending force to the woman as prostitute instead depicts her with a submissive nature. ‘Les Demoiselles assumes the viewer to be male and heterosexual, it tells us what are desires are and marks a divide between the sexes: between men who can routinely contract for sexual services and women who have no opportunity to dispute this.[72] Gauguins ‘The Spirit of the Dead Watching or ‘Manao Tupapau as Gauguin refferedreferred to it, is a tropical version of the Olympia. The title ‘Manao Tupapau means ‘Thought or Belief and the Specter and can have two meanings: either she is thinking of the specter or the specter is thinking of her.[73] In itthe picture, the figure stares with open eyes at the viewer while the ubiquitous figure of the dead keeps watch.[74] The enduring theme of the young, nude Maori girl who has a great fear of the hooded spirit of the dead.[75] p117-gs skirt- Gauguin compares women to animals ‘All indeed wish to be ‘taken, brutally taken, without a single word. All have the secret desire for violence because this act of authority on the part of the male leaves to the woman-will its full share of irresponsibility. (ref citation in book) This appeals to mans desire of the submissive woman, for the dominating conquererconqueror. The woman lies on the bed, naked on her front, seemingly accommodating and enticing the viewer. Gauguin, perhaps to encourage and emphasize his claim that he had found ‘paradise on earth wanted an innate ability to love. [76] ‘Spirit of the Dead Watching, ‘In this position almost anything might make her look indecent, yet it is in this way I want her. [77] The woman represents the image of the prostitute through the flowers strewn in the background of the painting representing a type of ‘exotic and tropical version of Olympia in the mode of prostitute. Gauguin said of this image ‘ my‘my feeling for the decorative sense leads me to strew the background with flowers.'[78] ‘The Spirit of the Dead Watching conveys a new subject; ‘his savage identity to the old world. Foster, Hal, Prosthetic Gods; Primitive Scenes, MIT Press, 2004, p.6 ,like the savage identity represented in Picassos Les Demoiselles d Avignon. In these scenes Picasso and Gauguin challenge our conceptions of identity through the aesthetic and psychological conceptions of art and psyche challenged by colonial encounters. Sometimes these scenes bring up conundrums of Europeans identification with the East, and the conundrum opposition of female and male, ; pure versus and perverse; and heterosexual and homosexual. Taken from essay on les dem! There is no simple notion of a women as ‘pure or ‘peverseperverse as Gauguin and Picasso show women as both pure and perversewith both of these contradictory elements. With Picasso and Gauguins work there is no simple divide between the depiction of African women as pure and virginal, yet simultaneously images ofpotential prostitutionprostitutes. For instance, Gauguin painted his adorned mother in a darkly sensual Tahitian mode even though she was fair and fine, typically considered ‘European characteristics. He also used his mother as the muse for ‘exotic eve Eve (1890) And often presented Tahitian women as Virgin Marys, yet even as he depicts them as pure, he also used them as prostitutes.[79] In ‘Spirit of the Dead Watching it upholds male colonial prerogatives, yet it is equally, a hybrid artwork, which undercuts the paradigm of sexuality upon which European masculinialism, depends. . The posture and anatomy of Tehamana may be seen as boyish, it is possibly an assault on European sexual nudes. Charles Maurice a friend of Gauguins writes that Tehamana is depicted as an ‘androgynous little girl.p.121 sex in Tahiti in gs skirt-rewrite There is an interesting juxtaposition in the discourse between the notion of the ‘femme fatale that Picasso and Gauguin often depict, and yet a ‘womanly vulnerability which reasserts the masculine power of the European conquererconqueror. Gauguin introduced this conflict between womanly power and women as a ‘femme fatale and men as lacking in sexuasexual potency,lly lack and homoerotic.[80] On the theme of inc
Friday, October 25, 2019
Conduct Disorder in Adolescents Essay -- Psychology Psychiatry Parenti
Conduct Disorder in Adolescents Everyday we are hearing more and more about a child or teen that has committed some horrible act. On Tuesday April 27, 2004 a twelve-year-old Georgia boy was arrested for allegedly using â€Å"his hands to strangle a third grader who disappeared while riding her bicycle†(McLaughlin, 2004). In February, a twelve-year-old girl was beaten to unconsciousness by a group of adolescents and young adults while at a birthday party in Baltimore. The question we must ask ourselves is where are the parents? Sadly, in the case of the Baltimore girl, one of the young adults was the parent of one of the children. How do children learn that violent and socially deviant behavior is acceptable? Both of these scenarios would meet the criteria for a psychological finding of conduct disorder (CD). The diagnosis of conduct disorder in adolescents can be directly attributed to the continuing lack of parental involvement and support in the child’s life. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders text revision 4th edition (DSM-IV-TR) states that â€Å"the essential feature of Conduct Disorder is a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated†(2000). The DSM-IV-TR goes on to list criteria for conduct disorder as, aggression to people or animals (i.e. forced sexual activity or mugging), destruction of property (i.e. fire setting), deceitfulness or theft (i.e. burglary or forgery), and serious violations of the rules (i.e. running away for periods of time) (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). A child must have at least three of those criteria present in the past year, with at least one manifested in the p... ...d do not get to see their parents until bedtime. In other cases, the child is left at home to look after and care for their younger siblings. As a result, they neglect school and their own childhood. The amount of hatred and distrust that must build up in that child is immeasurable. It is apparent that the â€Å"home-alone America†trend will create a breading ground for conduct disorder. Moreover, society is heading towards creating a generation who â€Å"may have little empathy and little concern for the feelings, wishes and well-being of others†(American Psychiatric Association, 2000). A child’s attachment to, respect for, and healthy fear of their parents is essential to the child’s’ mental health throughout development. It is time that we take responsibility for our own children and ourselves because if we don’t, what will these children teach the next generation?
Thursday, October 24, 2019
World Trade Organization
The courage and dedication that was displayed by the protestors in the video was what I took to heart. It was something else to see a group of people come together to protest something that they believed so strongly despite being pepper sprayed, shot at with rubber bullets, and thrown into jail†¦.. But why would anyone go to these lengths to protest against an organization? The World Trade Organization was created in Jan. 1 1995 and has 140 member countries. According to their official website www. wto. org the organizations main purpose is to, â€Å"help trade flow as freely as possible-so long as there are no undesirable side-effects. This partly means removing obstacles. †However the organization isn’t a democratic organization. Instead the WTO rules are written by and for corporations with inside access to the negotiations. Citizen input by consumer, environmental, human rights and labor organizations is consistently ignored as WTO meetings are held in secret. According to the video, out of the 100 largest economies in the world, 51 are corporations and only 49 are countries. As a result it is no wonder why so many came to protest this secret meeting held in Seattle, WA. According to the video many protestors argued that the WTO and its motto of free world trade is stomping over labor and human rights in countries throughout the world as the use of cheap labor and child labor are continually ignored by the WTO. The magazine Global Exchange states that the WTO is blocking human rights abuses since they have ruled that, â€Å"1) It is illegal for a government to ban a product base on the way it is produced and 2) Governments cannot take into account the behavior of companies that do business with vicious dictatorships such as Burma. The protestors in the video also felt that the WTO was destroying the environment. Evidence of this, dates back to 1993 when according to the Global Exchange, â€Å"The very first WTO panel ruled that a regulation of the US Clean Air Act, which required both domestic and foreign producers alike to produce cleaner gasoline, was illegal. Recently, the WTO declared illegal a provision of the Endangered Species Act that requires shrimp in the US to be caught with an inexpensive device that allows endangered sea turtles to escape, and the WTO is currently negotiating an agreement that would eliminate tariffs on wood products, which would increase the demand for timber and escalate deforestation. As a result I believe that these corporations should not be allowed to continue to get away with such actions. The people in Seattle honored their legal right to assemble. The actions taken by the city of Seattle against these protestors were too extreme and I’m still unclear for what reason they took such extreme measures against the protestors. These were peaceful protests and the city freaked out over a few broken windows at corporations such as Starbucks and Nike. In my point of view the steps taken by the city of Seattle was way over the line and its disgusts me that peaceful protestors were thrown into jail for demonstrating a legal right in the constitution.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Today, the process of globalization has created relationships with other countries. To communicate with other countries need a common language. English has become the most popular language and binds people. * Language is an important part of human life + Language shows the development of human. + Through language human can communicate, exchange information and convey experiences. + show feeling and save information + help to develop mind * English is the most common language in the world. + many countries use English as their mother tongue essay writers online. many countries choose English to teach at school as foreign language + The Industrial Revolution that began in England and spread to other countries. English was spread, too. + know English you can communicate with many people in over the world + through English, people can study about cultural, traditional, law, history of other countries. + make friend and study at someone in other country. +set of economic and diplomatic re lation uith the countries of the world. + break the language barrier So, try to learn english better: study more vocabularies, gramma, practise english skill.English has made the greatest contribution to the promotion of better understanding Which language do you think has made the greatest contribution to the promotion of better understanding among the people of the world? The human race is divided by a multiplicity of languages, many of which have come to play an important part in the affairs of the world. A little reflection reveals that the importance of a language is associated mainly with the ideas and knowledge it contains. The more ideas a language can convey to the people of the world, the more it will be used by people everywhere.Thus, the language that is used most extensively is the language that makes the greatest contribution to human progress and mutual understanding between people. It cannot be denied that today the most widely used language is the English language. There are few countries in which this language is not understood or used. Even the countries which preached hatred for everything English, including the English language, during their struggle for independence from British rule such as India, found it difficult to dispense with this language after they became independent.Therefore, they not only continued to use English in all spheres of public activity but also began to encourage the use and study of the English language as means of achieving national progress and unity. These efforts on the part of the various countries of the world convey an idea of the importance of the English language. It would be instructive, however, to consider the reason for the extensive use of the English language. One of the reasons is that several countries in the world have been occupied mainly by immigrants from England such as the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand.It is therefore not surprising that the people of such countri es have continued to use the English language, though they have severed their independent status, for one cannot discard one’s language easily. Another reason is that, in the course of history, a large number of countries throughout the world came directly under British rule, where English was made the main language for administrative, commercial and all other purposes. As the leading colonial power in the world, England has indeed exerted a profound influence on the affairs of the world, though its colonial possessions are rapidly becoming independent one after the other.Concomitantly, the English language too has come to play a leading role in international communication. Thus, many people whose native language is not English have studied English and become more conversant with English than with their own languages. This is especially true with the leaders of the people to whom English is a foreign language. As a result, the English language is used by them not only in the administration of their countries but also in all their institutions of higher learning.The most important reason for the pre-eminence of the English language, however, is that it is the source of all knowledge. The Industrial Revolution that began in England and spread to other countries revealed the English genius for invention. Even the political and social institutions of England, which were affected tremendously by the Industrial Revolution, have evoked the admiration of all countries. The knowledge, ideas, experiences and profound thoughts of the English people have made a deep impression on the minds of the people of other countries.Innumerable books have been written in the English language on all branches of study, and such is the thirst of English scholars for knowledge and their desire to communicate it, that they have even translated books of great value from other language to English for the benefit of all. Writers of other nationalities too have written a great number of books in English and made a substantial contribution to the enrichment of the English language. As a result of all these efforts, the English language has become the main avenue to the greatest storehouse of information.Therefore, people everywhere have developed a special respect for the language and they continue to learn it with avidity. As the English language is used so extensively, it is mainly in this language that the people of the world communicate with and understand one another. No other language has such a wide appeal. In my opinion, it is the English language that has made the greatest contribution to the promotion of the better understanding among the people of the world. NEW WORDS: 1. multiplicity (n): vo s? 2. mutual (adj): qua l? i, l? n nhau 3. preach (v): ch? truong, thuy? giao 4. immigrant (n) : ngu? i nh? p cu 5. connexion (n) : m? i quan h? 6. discard (v) : v? t b? , th? i h? i 7. administrative (adj) : (thu? c) hanh chinh 8. commercial (adj) : (thu? c) thuo ng m? i 9. concomitantly (adv) : di doi v? i, d? ng th? i 10. pre-eminence (n) : suu vi? t hon h? n 11. evoke (v): g? i len 12. innumerable (adj) : vo s? 13. substantial (adj) : l? n lao, dang k? , quan tr? ng 14. avidity (n) : s? khat khao 15. appeal (n) : s? h? p d? n Anh da co nh? ng dong gop l? n nh? t vao vi? c thuc d? y s? hi? u bi? t t? t hon Ngon ng? ma b? n co nghi r? ng da co nh? g dong gop l? n nh? t vao vi? c thuc d? y s? hi? u bi? t t? t hon gi? a nh? ng ngu? i c? a th? gi? i? Loai ngu? i du? c chia m? t da d? ng c? a ngon ng? , nhi? u trong s? do da d? n d? dong m? t vai tro quan tr? ng trong cac v? n d? c? a th? gi? i. M? t s? ph? n anh it cho th? y t? m quan tr? ng c? a m? t ngon ng? co lien quan ch? y? u v? i nh? ng y tu? ng va ki? n th? c trong do. Nh? ng y tu? ng hon m? t ngon ng? co th? truy? n d? t cho ngu? i dan tren th? gi? i, cang co nhi? u no s? du? c s? d? ng b? i nh? ng ngu? i ? kh? p m? i noi. Nhu v? y, ngon ng? du? c s? d? ng r? g rai nh? t la ngon ng? ma lam cho s? dong gop l? n nh? t d? i v? i s? ti? n b? c? a con ngu? i va hi? u bi? t l? n nhau gi? a con ngu? i. No khong th? ph? nh? n r? ng ngay nay cac ngon ng? du? c s? d? ng r? ng rai nh? t la ti? ng Anh. Co r? t it qu? c gia ma ngon ng? nay khong hi? u ho? c s? d? ng. Ngay c? cac nu? c ma rao gi? ng long cam thu cho t? t c? m? i th? ti? ng Anh, bao g? m c? ngon ng? ti? ng Anh, trong cu? c d? u tranh gianh d? c l? p kh? i ach th? ng tr? c? a Anh nhu ? n D? , th? y kho khan d? phan chia v? i ngon ng? nay sau khi h? da tr? thanh d? c l? p. Do do, h? hong ch? ti? p t? c s? d? ng ti? ng Anh trong m? i linh v? c c? a ho? t d? ng cong c? ng nhung cung b? t d? u khuy? n khich vi? c s? d? ng va nghien c? u v? ngon ng? ti? ng Anh lam phuong ti? n d? d? t du? c ti? n b? t? c va th? ng nh? t. Nh? ng n? l? c tren m? t ph? n c? a cac qu? c gia khac nhau tren th? gi? i chuy? n t? i m? t y tu? ng v? t? m quan tr? ng c? a ngon ng? ti? ng Anh. No s? la giao hoa, tuy nhien, xem xet cac ly do c ho vi? c s? d? ng r? ng rai c? a ngon ng? ti? ng Anh. M? t trong nh? ng ly do la m? t s? qu? c gia tren th? gi? i da b? chi? m dong b? i ch? y? u la ngu? nh? p cu t? nu? c Anh nhu Hoa K? , Uc va New Zealand. Do do, khong ng? c nhien khi ngu? i dan nu? c nay da ti? p t? c s? d? ng ngon ng? ti? ng Anh, m? c du h? da c? t d? t tinh tr? ng d? c l? p c? a h? , cho ngu? i ta khong th? lo? i b? ngon ng? m? t cach d? dang. M? t ly do khac la, trong qua trinh l? ch s? , m? t s? lu? ng l? n cac qu? c gia tren kh? p th? gi? i da tr? c ti? p du? i s? cai tr? c? a Anh, noi ma ti? ng Anh da du? c th? c hi? n ngon ng? chinh cho hanh chinh, thuong m? i va t? t c? cac m? c dich khac. Nhu s? c m? nh thu? c d? a hang d? u tren th? gi? i, Anh da th? s? t? o du? c m? t ? nh hu? ng sau s? c d? n cac v? n d? c? a th? gi? i, m? c du thu? c d? a c? a no nhanh chong tr? thanh d? c l? p sau khi khac. D? ng th? i, ti? ng Anh cung da d? n d? dong m? t vai tro hang d? u trong giao ti? p qu? c t?. Vi th? , nhi? u ngu? i ma ti? ng m? d? khong ph? i la ti? ng Anh da h? c ti? ng Anh va tr? thanh th? o hon v? i ti? ng Anh hon v? i ngon ng? c? a h?. Di? u nay d? c bi? t dung v? i cac nha lanh d? o c? a nh? ng ngu? i ma ti? ng Anh la m? t ngon ng? nu? c ngoai. K? t qu? la, cac ngon ng? ti? ng Anh du? c s? d? ng b? i chung khong ch? rong chinh quy? n c? a cac qu? c gia c? a h? ma con trong t? t c? cac t? ch? c c? a h? v? h? c t? p cao hon. Ly do quan tr? ng nh? t cho s? uu vi? t c? a ngon ng? ti? ng Anh, tuy nhien, la no la ngu? n g? c c? a t? t c? ki? n th? c. Cu? c cach m? ng cong nghi? p b? t d? u ? Anh va lan sang cac nu? c khac cho th? y thien tai ti? ng Anh cho sang ch?. Ngay c? nh? ng th? ch? chinh tr? va xa h? i c? a nu? c Anh, ma da b? ?nh hu? ng m? nh b? i cu? c cach m? ng cong nghi? p, da khoi d? y s? ngu? ng m? c? a t? t c? cac nu? c. Ki? n th? c, y tu? ng, kinh nghi? m va suy nghi sau s? c c? ngu? i dan Anh da th? c hi? n m? t ? n tu? ng sau s? c trong suy nghi c? a ngu? i dan cac nu ? c khac. Vo s? sach da du? c vi? t b? ng ngon ng? ti? ng Anh tren t? t c? cac nganh nghien c? u, va nhu v? y la con khat c? a cac h? c gi? Anh bi? t va mong mu? n truy? n d? t no c? a h? , r? ng h? th? m chi con d? ch cu? n sach co gia tr? l? n t? ngon ng? khac ti? ng Anh cho cac l? i ich c? a t? t c?. Nha van c? a cac dan t? c khac cung da vi? t m? t s? lu? ng l? n cac cu? n sach b? ng ti? ng Anh va co dong gop dang k? cho vi? c lam giau ngon ng? ti? ng Anh. La k? t qu? c? a t? t c? nh? g n? l? c nay, ti? ng Anh da tr? thanh con du? ng chinh d? cac kho l? n nh? t c? a thong tin. Do do, m? i ngu? i ? kh? p m? i noi da phat tri? n m? t s? ton tr? ng d? c bi? t cho ngon ng? va h? ti? p t? c tim hi? u no v? i s? khao khat. Nhu ngon ng? ti? ng Anh du? c s? d? ng r? t r? ng rai, ch? y? u la trong ngon ng? nay la ngu? i c? a th? gi? i giao ti? p va hi? u nhau. Khong co ngon ng? khac co m? t khang cao r? ng. Theo y ki? n c? a toi, no la ngon ng? ti? ng Anh ma da co nh? ng dong gop l? n n h? t vao vi? c thuc d? y s? hi? u bi? t t? t hon trong nhan dan tren th? gi? i.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
What To Do When Content Marketing Isn’t Working With Jon Henshaw
What To Do When Content Marketing Isn’t Working With Jon Henshaw You know that content marketing has the potential to grow your company. What if you’re not getting results, though? If you don’t have something unique to say or value to offer, it’s tough to get traction in a competitive environment. How can you create unique ideas and overcome mediocre results? Today we’re going to be talking to Jon Henshaw, an accomplished product builder and content marketer. Jon co-founded Raven Tools and is now with CBS Interactive. We’re going to talk about how to fix broken content marketing. You won’t want to miss today’s show! Powered by PodcastMotor Actionable Content Marketing powered by By AMP070: What To Do When Your Content Marketing Isn't Working With Jon Henshaw 00:00/00:00 1x 100 > Download file Subscribe on iTunes Leave Review Share Some of the highlights of this episode include: What Jon’s been up to over the past decade, from building up Raven Tools from nothing to entering the world of content marketing. Some of the â€Å"wins†that Jon has experienced over the years, as well as a â€Å"loss.†Jon’s process for staying ahead of the curve when it comes to content marketing. Tips on tackling the types of big, unique projects that will pan out, as well as Jon’s thoughts on the risks involved. How Jon promotes his biggest projects for maximum benefit. Where SEO fits into the promotion strategy. Jon’s favorite part of content marketing. Links: Jon on LinkedIn Raven Tools CBS Interactive GA Config Email a screenshot of your iTunes review to If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Jon: â€Å"One of the great things about content marketing is that it kind of levels the playing field among other companies. You don’t have to have the tens of thousands of dollars or more in paid advertising budget. You just have to have good ideas.†â€Å"The internet is a big place and yes, most things have already been done You have to be even more creative.†â€Å"The part that I geek out the most on is actually putting that content together and writing the code behind that content so that it can perform really well.â€
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Meaning of Vive la France!
The Meaning of 'Vive la France!' Vive la France! is an expression used in France to show patriotism. It’s difficult to translate the term literally into English, but it generally means â€Å"long live France!†or â€Å"hurray for France!†The phrase has its roots in Bastille Day, a French national holiday commemorating the storming of the Bastille, which took place on July 14, 1789, and marked the beginning of the French Revolution. Patriotic Phrase â€Å"Vive la France!†is mostly used by politicians, but you will also hear this patriotic expression bandied about during national celebrations, such as Bastille Day, around French elections, during sporting events, and, sadly, at times of crisis as a way to invoke patriotic feelings. La Bastille was a prison and a symbol of the monarchy in late 18th century France. By capturing the historic structure, the citizenry signaled that it now held the power to rule the country. Bastille Day was declared a French national holiday on July 6, 1880, on politician Benjamin Raspails recommendation, when the Third Republic was firmly entrenched. The Third Republic was a period in France that lasted from 1870 to 1940. Bastille Day has such a strong signification for the French because the holiday symbolizes the birth of the republic. The related phrase Vive le 14 juillet! (literally â€Å"Long live the 14th of July!†) has been associated with the historic event for centuries. The key term in the phrase is vive, an interjection that literally means long live. The Grammar Behind Vive la France French grammar can be tricky. The term vive is no exception. Vive comes from the irregular verb â€Å"vivre,†which means to live. Vive is the subjunctive. So, an example sentence might be: Nous souhaitons, nous espà ©rons que la France vive longtemps, heureusement. This translates to: We hope that France will live for a long time, fortunately. Note, that the verb is vive and not viva, as in Viva Las Vegas, and it is pronounced veev, where the final e is silent. Other Uses for Vive The expression vive is very common in French to show enthusiasm for many different things, such as: Vive les vacances! Hurray for the vacation! Vive les soldes! Hurray for the sales season! Vive moi! Yeah me! Vive is also used in a number of other contexts that are not related to the famous phrase but still important in the French language. Examples include: On ne voyait à ¢me qui vive. There wasnt a living soul to be seen. Etre sur le qui-vive. To be on the alert. La vive- eau Spring tide Vivement Brusquely, sharply While the saying Vive la France is deeply rooted in French culture, history, and politics, the full slogan is generally invoked only on historical occasions and during political events. By contrast, the key term in the phrase, vive, is widely used by the French to express joy and happiness on many occasions. So, the next time youre in France (or find yourself among French-speakers who happen to use this famous phrase), impress them with your deep knowledge of French history. Source The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Bastille Day. Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Macrina the Elder and Macrina the Younger
Macrina the Elder and Macrina the Younger Macrina the Elder Facts Known for: teacher and grandmother of St. Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Macrina the Younger and their siblings; also the mother of St. Basil the ElderDates: probably born before 270, died about 340Feast Day: January 14 Macrina the Elder Biography Macrina the Elder, a Byzantine Christian, lived in Neocaesaria. She was associated with Gregory Thaumaturgus, a follower of the church father Origen, who is credited with converting the city of Neocaesaria to Christianity. She fled with her husband (whose name is not known) and lived in the forest during the persecution of Christians by the emperors Galerius and Diocletian. After the persecution ended, having lost their property, the family settled in Pontus on the Black Sea. Her son was Saint Basil the Elder. She had a major role in the raising of her grandchildren, who included: Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Peter of Sebastea (Basil and Gregory are known as the Cappadocian Fathers), Naucratios, Saint Macrina the Younger, and, possibly, Dios of Antioch Saint Basil the Great credited her with having formed and molded me in doctrine, passing on to her grandchildren the teachings of Gregory Thaumaturgus. Because she lived much of her life as a widow, she is known as the patron saint of widows. We know of St. Macrina the Elder primarily through the writings of her two grandsons, Basil and Gregory, and also of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus. Macrina the Younger Facts Known for: Macrina the Younger is credited with influencing her brothers Peter and Basil to go into a religious vocationOccupation: ascetic, teacher, spiritual directorDates: about 327 or 330 to 379 or 380Also known as: Macrinia; she took Thecla as her baptismal nameFeast Day: July 19 Background, Family: Mother: Saint EmmeliaFather: Saint BasilGrandmother: Macrina the ElderNine or ten younger brothers include: Saint Basil the Great , Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Peter of Sebastea (Basil and Gregory are two of the church theological leaders known as the Cappadocian Fathers), Naucratios and, possibly, Dios of Antioch Macrina the Younger Biography: Macrina, the eldest of her siblings, was promised to be married by the time she was twelve, but the man died before the wedding, and Macrina chose a life of chastity and prayer, considering herself a widow and hoping for her eventual reunion in the afterlife with her fiance. Macrina was educated at home, and helped educate her younger brothers. After Macrinas father died in about 350, Macrina, with her mother and, later, her younger brother Peter, turned their home into a womens religious community. The women servants of the family became members of the community, and others soon were attracted to the house. Her brother Peter later founded a mens community connected with the womens community. Saint Gregory of Nazianzus and Eustathius of Sebastea were also connected with the Christian community there. Macrinas mother Emmelia died in about 373 and Basil the Great in 379. Soon after, her brother Gregory visited her one last time, and she died shortly after. Another of her brothers, Basil the Great, is credited as a founder of monasticism in the East, and modeled his community of monks after the community founded by Macrina. Her brother, Gregory of Nyssa, wrote her biography (hagiography). He also wrote On the Soul and Resurrection. The latter represents a dialogue between Gregory and Macrina as he made his last visit to her and she was dying. Macrina, in the dialogue, is represented as a teacher describing her views on heaven and salvation. Later Universalists pointed to this essay where she asserts that all will ultimately be saved (universal restoration). Later church scholars have sometimes rejected that the Teacher in Gregorys dialogue is Macrina, though Gregory clearly states that in the work. They claim that it must have been St. Basil instead, apparently on no other grounds than disbelief that it could have referred to a woman.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Review of the Film Immortal Beloved Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Of the Film Immortal Beloved - Movie Review Example The film â€Å"Immortal Beloved†was released in 1994 and dealt with the life and loves of the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven. It is both a beautiful tribute to the genius of a man who gave to the world such great masterpieces as the Ninth Symphony (made while completely deaf) and an attempt to throw new light into a mystery that has perplexed and fascinated many Beethoven scholars and researchers. In particular, it concerns the mystery behind the true identity of the â€Å"Unsterbliche Gelliebte†or the Immortal Beloved. Three letters that were found in the private files of the renowned singer were addressed to this Immortal Beloved. The movie begins upon the death of Beethoven and his assistant is faced with the task of carrying out the instructions in the Last Will and Testament. He chances upon one of the letters addressed to an â€Å"Immortal Beloved†and wonders who this might be. The movie then shows a series of flashbacks from the famous musicianâ⠂¬â„¢s past and comes to the conclusion, after showing Schindler interviewing several people, that Beethoven’s Immortal Beloved is none other than Johanna Reiss, the daughter of a prosperous Viennese upholsterer named Anton van Reiss. In the film, she had become pregnant out of wedlock with Beethoven’s child, but because of a series of unfortunate events, she did not marry him, but rather she married his brother Kaspar. The movie, however, cannot be considered a faithful depiction of the life of Beethoven. It is a work of fiction and should be taken as such. There are several things about it that were true, such as the fact that Schindler was indeed a secretary and a close confidante, that he had gotten into a legal battle with his sister-in-law Johanna (the one who the film suggests is the Immortal Beloved) and there is indeed the love letter which was found in the possession of Beethoven after his death. Most importantly, it showed the intensity of the man and his mu sic, and the raging emotions that this music depicted. â€Å"It is the power of music to carry one into the mental state of the composer,†is a powerful line in the movie, delivered by Beethoven, as magnificently played by Gary Oldman. Maynard Solomon, a Beethoven biographer and scholar, had called the love letter the only â€Å"unalloyed love letter of [Beethoven's] bachelor existenceâ€â€an uncontrolled outburst of passionate feeling, exalted in tone, confused in thought, and ridden with conflicting emotions" (Beethoven, p. 159). However, and this is an important historical inaccuracy, it cannot be true that the recipient of that letter wherein he referred to the unidentified woman as  "mein Engel, mein alles, mein Ich . . . meine unsterbliche Geliebte" (which translates as "my angel, my all, my I . . . my immortal beloved") According to Maynard Solomon, the woman being referred to in the letter is not Johanna Reiss Beethoven, but rather, it is a married woman by the name of Antonie Brentano. Her husband and sister-in-law are friends of Beethoven, with the latter even introducing the composer to the famous German poet Goethe. Through fine investigation skills and deft use of dates, Solomon had managed to place Brentano in Prague from July 1 to July 4, 1812, when Beethoven says he saw her. Brentano also went ahead to Karlsbad, a small spa town, where she and Beethoven had planned to meet later that summer. Beethoven had also dedicated the op. 109 piano sonata, the magisterial Diabelli Variations, and the English edition of the op. 111 piano sonata to Brentano and her daughter Maximiliane. Maynard Solomon suggests that Brentano, who was a great fan of the music of Ludwig Beethoven, had also fallen in love with him and their relationship, even though short-lived because Beethoven could not see any long-term prospects in carrying on a relationship with a married woman, was a serious one. Fanny Giannatasio, who Beethoven had met at a later time, had bewailed the fact that he was still in love with another woman and Solomon concludes that it was
Friday, October 18, 2019
Technological Awareness of Teachers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Technological Awareness of Teachers - Essay Example Because technology provides animation and different kinds of presentation using media materials, and these helps our students to absorb information by just watching and listening. Essentially, educational technology helps to improve the overall efficiency of the teaching-learning process. It is noted that a microteaching session can be real and convincing since it issues videotape recording as evaluative medium and should be learned by our mentors. As educators became much more aware of their responsibility to deliver the best quality education to students, they have begun to recognize the need to be aware of educational technology. The perception when educational technology was first heard is a negative one but it appears that to many people it has served to inhibit the introduction of better educational technology and its use in improving the delivery with higher quality learning outcomes.2 The new technologies are radically changing the nature and configuration of adult education. With computer information, educators are no longer the primary source of factual information. Changes are therefore occurring in the methods and content of instruction, both supplementing and changing the relationship between the teacher and the learner. Still, the new technologies have freed many individuals to enjoy their leisure and to work at home in a distraction-free environment. And in the future, most educational services are foreseen to be delivered electronically by teleconferencing, cable and satellite television, computer networks and other means et to be discovered - provided educators learn how to use the media in congruence with the principles of community education. The future trends in media technology hold promise for further improving learning, reducing the barriers that limit effectiveness in the learning process, and tapping the potentials of new technological tools in instruction. The researcher will inform the teachers and would be teachers that as they enter the educational field at a very exciting moment as a teacher, human resource trainer or educational administrator. There has been expressed a critical need for an effective in-service program on the development of teaching competence. Among the alternative strategies introduced, however, Microteaching has been cited as being both a model and a real teaching encounter. In the search for strategies to develop teaching skills microteaching sessions have shown tangible to have positively contributed to the professional growth and improved teaching performance of student teachers. Background of the Research (Progressive nature of the documents that show the development process ) The researcher chose this topic to help and inform educators regarding the usage and usefulness of educational technology on their teaching profession and know what are the instructional media and technology to use. There is something that teacher's are missing on, in the tertiary education, there has been and increasing emphasis on group learning techniques. This move to group learning has been given further impetus by the development of science and technology-based games simulation and case studies. These techniques of instructions are ideally suited for use in teaching the various higher cognitive and non-cognitive skills are now regarded as essential part of a properly rounded
Ctva fi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ctva fi - Essay Example Essentially, the company has lived up to the trend of creating such message as to entice more followers and determine how further reception by new generation of drinkers would fare. In the similar manner, ‘The Vampire Diaries’ of the CW Network manages to be conveyed out of compelling twists and creativity patterned after Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight saga. As one of the TV series aiming to be bought into by the common market of Goth vampire dramas just like Coke among its contemporaries, the series developers and producers have opted to function around the concept of youth empowerment by designating strong characters to the cast that are made to portray ordinary students of a university who are bound to discover their unique individual powers and destined fates in the process after Stefan and Damon initiated certain changes. The program appears to catch chief attention through the irresistible charms among Elena and the two male vampire counterparts in a love triang le as intense as the scenes that mean to exhibit possibilities of fusion between classic tales and urban legends.
Impact Of 14-19 Reform on SEN Students Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Impact Of 14-19 Reform on SEN Students - Essay Example As the report stresses in the last four years, there have been significant changes. It has become a normal part of life in schools in this country that some young people are studying and achieving recognised qualifications in vocational subjects before 16. New GCSEs in vocational subjects have been launched and the first group of young people have just succeeded in obtaining their qualifications. The Increased Flexibility Programme has given around 90,000 young people the opportunity to spend some time learning subjects in colleges which cannot easily be offered in schools. And from September 2004, for the first time, 14 year olds are pursuing Young Apprenticeships, giving them the chance to combine school studies with learning alongside skilled workers. Work-related learning is now a statutore requirement and the entitlement to enterprise education will be in place by September 2005. This discussion explores that in some parts of the country, designated as 14-19 pathfinder areas, the process has gone even further. Schools and colleges have worked with local authorities and the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) to offer young people a range of options which goes beyond what any one institution can provide and which is succeeding in attracting many more young people to learning. In other places, new sixth forms and colleges are being opened, boosting participation and choice.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
For Antigay Church, Losing Its Cause before Its Founder Essay
For Antigay Church, Losing Its Cause before Its Founder - Essay Example According to Paulson (2014), the church has been laden with internal wrangles even before its founder died, most of which can be blamed on dissatisfaction of power distribution and waning religious radicalism among some members. As a result, the church’s future is not confidently optimistic. This future is made even bleaker by the fact that virtually all members belong to Phelps’ family, which implies that there is limited external support. According to the article, the fanatical members of the Phelps’ family isolates itself from their neighbors, despite the latter’s efforts to associate with them. All these are factors continually deteriorating the church’s popularity, especially because their fanaticism seems more like an attempt to spread cultural hate. The public has met this harsh intolerance with counter protests, like buffering veterans’ funerals, car honking and jeering (Paulson, 2014). In my opinion, the Westboro Baptist Church is trying too hard to go against the dominant course of the contemporary society. This is because the American public is progressively embracing gay rights and religious communities are gradually reducing their hostility toward gay people. Further, the church is clearly not adopting some of the principal bible teachings; for instance the explicit provision to love one’s neighbor unconditionally and to refrain from making harsh judgments about others. Christianity is also a religion primarily founded on compassion and tolerance, as clearly illustrated by the death of Christ. Therefore, the church in question is evidently going against fundamental Christian values, by discriminating against gays and spreading hate speech, thus inflicting harm on innocent people. Paulson, M. (2014, March 22). For Antigay Church, Losing Its Cause before Its Founder. Retrieved from
Stress reduction technique that worked for me (prayer) Essay
Stress reduction technique that worked for me (prayer) - Essay Example Firstly, I have seen serious fights between my parents since my childhood. I have grown up in a very dysfunctional family. There is not much bonding amongst the family members or with my relatives. One of the major reasons for my parent’s fights is their frustration regarding the financial condition. My dad has been working really hard but due to some reason or the other he suffers a loss. Secondly, my sister got married 2 years back and when she was 6 months pregnant, she returned to our home and then we got to know that there has been serious issues going on between them and she wanted to be separated from her husband that is she wanted a divorce which upset me a lot. Lastly, exams at this stage also cause stress because in such a situation, it is very difficult to stay home and study or to concentrate in the books. It was Tuesday night 12 am when suddenly my sister came to my place. She was crying like anything and when she told my mother the whole story, I burst into tears. I didn’t know what to do and what to say at that time. My tears were due to the accumulation of all the tensions and stresses I had. That was the time when I decided to pray to God and ask for His help. Before I started to pray, I was mentally very disturbed. I could not think of any positive thing around me and was lost in some other world. Then I started to pray. Prayer as a stress reduction technique follows a four step procedure. Firstly there is supplication in which I asked for guidance in my own words along with the set prayer which said â€Å"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have Mercy on me†and â€Å"Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on my soul†. In this we ask for certain events to turn out the way we want to. Then there is meditation in which being still in body, which is contributing to the settling of the turbulent waters of issues in the mind; confusion falling away so that the voice of conscience can be heard. In this, our mind relaxes and becomes more
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
For Antigay Church, Losing Its Cause before Its Founder Essay
For Antigay Church, Losing Its Cause before Its Founder - Essay Example According to Paulson (2014), the church has been laden with internal wrangles even before its founder died, most of which can be blamed on dissatisfaction of power distribution and waning religious radicalism among some members. As a result, the church’s future is not confidently optimistic. This future is made even bleaker by the fact that virtually all members belong to Phelps’ family, which implies that there is limited external support. According to the article, the fanatical members of the Phelps’ family isolates itself from their neighbors, despite the latter’s efforts to associate with them. All these are factors continually deteriorating the church’s popularity, especially because their fanaticism seems more like an attempt to spread cultural hate. The public has met this harsh intolerance with counter protests, like buffering veterans’ funerals, car honking and jeering (Paulson, 2014). In my opinion, the Westboro Baptist Church is trying too hard to go against the dominant course of the contemporary society. This is because the American public is progressively embracing gay rights and religious communities are gradually reducing their hostility toward gay people. Further, the church is clearly not adopting some of the principal bible teachings; for instance the explicit provision to love one’s neighbor unconditionally and to refrain from making harsh judgments about others. Christianity is also a religion primarily founded on compassion and tolerance, as clearly illustrated by the death of Christ. Therefore, the church in question is evidently going against fundamental Christian values, by discriminating against gays and spreading hate speech, thus inflicting harm on innocent people. Paulson, M. (2014, March 22). For Antigay Church, Losing Its Cause before Its Founder. Retrieved from
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Amusment Park Job Essay Example for Free
Amusment Park Job Essay Introduction A ride host has given you the all clear, the train begins to a ascend slowly up the mammoth 200ft steel mountain, your heart begins to race, you struggle to catch a breath as you are aware of the many twists and turns that are presumed to follow as you creep your way over the ominous peak. Life in many ways can be alluded to the adrenaline rush of racing on a roller-coaster. To experience that rush on a daily basis and you become the driving force behind what makes these chaotic machines of terror and excitement operate with such grace and cohesion would be much more than a career. The role of park manager can be a very difficult and stressful position, but the daily compensation is much more that can be put in a bank account. I will be discussing the job description, requirements, work conditions and prospects of this position. Job Description A theme park manager works in a very dynamic environment and this job requires a vast assortment of responsibilities and tasks that are mainly influenced by the size of the park you are managing. Managing a smaller park, such as Coney Island, would entail much less complexity in everyday operations in comparison to a larger park, such as Cedar Point, but would be just as rewarding and present its own challenges. Although vast and varying based on a particular parks values and needs, Brad Thomas director of operations at Silver Dollar City Branson MI states the position description as â€Å"Directors of Operations manage the overall operations of the theme park. He or she must do extensive planning and budgeting. He or she makes sure that the plans are in place, so the attraction or park does not make any promises it cannot keep. He or she also must see that all decisions made are within the park’s mission, vision, and values. Directors of Operations exert authority over every activity taking place in the attraction or theme park. †Each park has varying degrees of accountability delegated to the operations manager, but the basic function doesn’t vary from park to park. Job Requirements In this position, field experience is just as important as the educational requirements. Most parks look for someone that has worked their way up within a park and has first-hand experience with the park and its daily functions that includes everything from a ride host to admissions. The ideal candidate would be someone who has grown and developed their experience and education at the park they are seeking to manage. A job listing for a park management position at Coney Island requested the following requirements for their applicants: †¢A minimum of 5 years of experience in a management role within an amusement park or entertainment facility. †¢Post-secondary education in business, recreation, or hospitality management. †¢Excellent communication, interpersonal, and customer service skills along with strong team building and motivating abilities. †¢A firm grasp of financial business principles, safety compliance, time-management, and computer skills. †¢Ability to work long hours-weekends/nights are required. This is a position that is not usually given to someone just out of college. You must earn this position by working your way to the top. Work Conditions Work conditions depend on the location and whether or not the park is seasonal. Most parks operate from May through October, and can experience everything from scorching heat during the summer to freezing fall temperatures. This is prevalent to the position of park manager because most of the day is spent not in the office but throughout the park monitoring daily operations. They must be on site to ensure that the park is functioning properly and guest satisfaction is optimal. Rain or shine a park manager must monitor the parks activities and maintain guest satisfaction at all times. Salary Range Once again the details of the position vary greatly upon the size of the park and what that specific park delegates to the park manager. Brad Thomas stated that â€Å"An average salary range for a Director of Operations is from $21,900 to $86,500. The smaller properties have the lower salary, while the larger and more prestigious properties have the larger salaries. †This may not seem like a fortune to most but the people in these positions have a true passion for their respective parks. Job Prospects There are currently 285 operating parks with at least one roller coaster according to rollercoaster database (rcdb. com). Considering that new parks are rarely established and with most parks only having one park manager, this leads to the position of park manager being a very competitive career path. Although with limited opportunities, those who have a passion for this industry have the ability to make themselves stand out and increase their chances for success in seeking management employment. Conclusion In conclusion, the prospects of gaining this position may not seem obtainable due to the limited number of park managers. However, if you have the passion, education and skill requirements, then you have the potential of progressing your way to a park manager. Those who have received and hold this job title have spent countless years dedicating their lives and efforts to this industry. They have truly found an exceptional experience to call a career. The monetary benefits are overshadowed by the joy they bring to thousands of guests that visit their park on a yearly basis. Works Sited Amusement Park Search Results. Rollercoaster Database. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. Similar Jobs Recommended For You. Similar Jobs Recommended For You. N. p. , 16 Jan. 2013. Web. 09 Feb. 2013. Theme Park Manager: Job Description. Prospects. ac. uk. N. p. , 1 Sept. 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. Thomas, Brad. Director of Operations Attraction/Theme Park. Entertainment Management. N. p. , 01 Nov. 2000. Web. 09 Feb. 2013.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Sale of Human Organs Ethical Argument
Sale of Human Organs Ethical Argument Many people have felt the shock and disbelief that comes with losing a family member or someone close, but the feeling is worse when their death could have been prevented. People often die of organ failure or conditions associated with organs while on a transplant list. In the United States alone, tens of thousands hope for an organ, and thousands die waiting each year (Karimi). By legalizing the sale of human organs, there is a greater chance of increasing organ supply and decreasing the number of lives lost. According to the National Organ Transplant Act of 1984, the buying and selling or compensation for organs from any human for the purpose of transplantation is illegal (Linde). The only organs available to patients in need, are ones from donors whether it be a car crash victim or a spouse with matching blood and tissue type. However, these donations do not cover all of the people in need of an organ, which means around 18 people die everyday because of the fact there are simply not enough (Karimi). The government should legalize the sale or compensation of human organs. In doing so, the number of available organs will increase and make it easier for patients to find an organ match. This will also increase the number of live organ donors, allowing a longer life span for the organs donated as compared to cadaver organs. The compensations also give people in need another option to obtain money, however the choice to give out of the goodness of ones heart is still present. The most important reason why we should legalize human organ sales is the lack of available organ supply. With compensation for donating an organ, more people would be willing to give up a part of themselves. In doing so, the transplant waiting list will decrease, if not disappear. In Iran, there is a kidney program that openly allows payments. This has helped to effectively eliminate the countrys kidney transplant waiting list since 1999 (Karimi). Many doctors and experts have urged America along with other nations to consider adopting these aspects of Irans system (Karimi). A large number of people die because along with the shortage of organs, they are not able to find a suitable donor. Choosing an appropriate donor for a patient is not a simple task. There are a lot of factors that should be considered such as type of the blood, medical urgency, health of the donor, distance from donor, etc. According to Bhattacharya, there is large shortage of organs all over the world. To be specific, in the US, about 75,000 were waiting for the kidney transplants in 2008, but only 18,000 got their kidneys; about 4,000 of those Americans have died, waiting until the end of 2009. (Linde) According to Nasser Karimi, thousands more people could be saved if medical staff searched for possible donors more often. Therefore, an increase in the number of organs available with make the process of finding a matching organ much easier. A benefit to the sale or donation of live human donors organs, is the fact that living organs last much longer than cadaver organs. An example is explained by Nasser Karimi in his article when he explicates that kidneys from a living donor have a significantly better long-term survival rate than those from a deceased donor. The average kidney from a diseased donor lasts 10 years, while one from a living donor averages about 15 years (Karimi). This principle can also add on to the number of lives saved via transplant. Over the past years, hundreds of thousand of transplants have been performed with organs from living donors who acted out of the sense of common humanity or love. While donating out of the goodness of ones heart is used for some, many people often need money for a variety of reasons. By legalizing the compensation for organs, people in need would have another option to pay for things like retirement, college tuition, bills, etc. Another issue to come up is the amount of money that should be given as compensation to the donor. Many say a person can not put a price on organs. The system to set the price would be very organized and involve different factors including the type of organ and the distance from the patient (Marchione). Many experts all suggest that organ sales would give advantage to the wealthy and disadvantage to the poor (Lopez). However as explained above, there is not a set price on the organ, meaning negotiations will make the final decision. The government should legalize the sale of organs because of the many benefits it has to offer. With compensations for donors, lives will be saved, organ supply will skyrocket and it will be easier for a patient to find a match. This in turn will offer a more readily available supply of organs. Lives will be saved and deaths will be prevented with the legalization of organ sales..
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Earthquakes and their Effects :: Environment, Science, Informative
An earthquake is a trembling or a shaking movement of the Earth's surface. The dictionary meaning of the word earthquake is â€Å"shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane of from volcanic activity†. The word earthquake is also widely used to indicate the source region itself. The solid earth is in slow but constant motion and earthquakes occur where the resulting stress exceeds the capacity of Earth materials to support it. Earthquakes produce various damaging effects to the areas they act upon. This includes damage to buildings and in worst cases the loss of human life. The effects of the rumbling produced by earthquakes usually leads to the destruction of structures such as buildings, bridges, and dams. They can also trigger landslides. Earthquakes have varied effects, including changes in geologic features, damage to man-made structures, and impact on human and animal life. Earthquakes often cause dramatic and geomorphological changes, including ground movements either vertical or horizontal along geologic fault traces, rising, dropping, and tilting of the ground surface, changes in the flow of groundwater. Besides producing floods and destroying buildings, earthquakes that take place under the ocean can sometimes cause tsunamis, or tidal waves. Tsunamis are high and long walls of water which travel at a very rapid rate. They are notorious for destroying entire populations and cities near coastlines. In 1896 Sanriku, Japan, with a population of 20,000, suffered such a fate. Several thousand stations monitor earthquakes all over the world. Each station contains an instrument, called a seismograph, used to detect arrival times and record seismic waves.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
College Application Essay -- Sample Application Essay
â€Å"If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability†– Henry Ford. I define myself as a student with high spirits of enthusiasm to learn and lead. I never had a satisfaction that can halt my education, since one goes keep on learning things, the need to learn more pop’s out. A person like me with high aim’s and aspirations always fetches to find a perfect platform to grab as much of knowledge as I can. In that process, I came across through a set of universities among which State University just caught my attention with its utmost emerging research and eminent faculty from across the globe. In the very beginning of my academic pursuit, I realized that I am highly interested in the aspects of theoretical learning followed by a practical application and my exposure to the real world applications; reflected in my resume at my various projects with different applications servers is evident that my thirst of knowledge is not a little tiny one. With the intervention of computer, things turned out very simple to the common public on one hand and on the other hand, it is complex to the manufacturers and providers. I started my education at my hometown and been one among the brilliant and impulsive students in my class. Graduate my tenth grade at Nehru Niketan English Medium High School in my hometown. My interest towards the computers and their mechanism’s kept on increasing with my age, that drove me opt Mathematics, physics and chemistry in my intermediate and stood one among the talented students in my batch. Then it’s time to decide on what am going to build m y career, and then my ever lasting interest on computers... Health). In the project of patient portal I worked on Microsoft SQL server 2008, using ASP. Net, C#, HTML, and Microsoft visual studio 2010. Also worked among the coding team. I got good enough skills to develop more such kind of technologies, which are really necessary, and those can satisfy the needs of consumers. My deep interest in your esteemed university is with a hope of getting the perfect platform to enhance my skills and develop the models, which improve the applications with human interface with the research-oriented techniques. State University would be the right place to quench my thirst for knowledge. Hope to see a positive reply from you all. I explained my pro’s and con’s where now it’s my turn to wait for the opportunity. â€Å" Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door†– keyle Chandler. Thank you,
Friday, October 11, 2019
Business Card Etiquette Essay
Business Card Etiquette: A Must Master Have you ever experienced how mortifying it is when you’re asked for a business card and you don’t have any? Either you forgot to bring one or run out of business cards, this incident is embarrassing both to the asker and to the one being asked for. Habitually forgetting the business cards is the most famous neglect that someone makes when it comes to business card etiquette. In the business world it is important to always remember the business card etiquette as this would speak much of you and the business that you are representing. So, what do we have to be harking backed to when it comes to business card etiquette? First, it is always helpful to have a system to remember to bring a bunch of cool business cards with you every time. Put it in a business portfolio or your purse or desk drawer or a cool business card holder, whichever is applicable and more convenient for you. As one of your most important marketing weapon, a cool business card should always be present in business meetings and basically everywhere. This system would also save you from doing the same mistake that most forgetful entrepreneurs do. The second business card etiquette you should be dredging up on is that it should present creativity. Creative business cards not only state your name, contact numbers, or company logo. The style itself should discourse what kind of service you do or product you provide. You might even want to try cool digital business cards if you’re on the PC or electronic business world. Creative business cards give respect to the card giver and receiver alike. Third thing to consider in business card etiquette is the poise of the card. Cool business cards make the receiver want to keep the card for some reasons like future reference or simply because it is something likable. Either way, cool business cards promote boost in the owner’s individuality. The last and most important thing to ruminate in business card etiquette is the manner on how you present your card. Handing over wrinkled, torn or stained business cards give a reflection on how you see the receiver. This is a big no, especially when you’re dealing with CEOs and managers of companies. Also, it is but proper not to present business cards during personal or emotional correspondence like condolences, get well soons, and even congratulations. So, you can understand that business card etiquette is as much as important as the card itself. Mastering it not only brings potential income to the business but a lasting impression of good reputation as well. Design diaries batch 2 (9-28) 9. China Travel Depotwww. chinatraveldepot. com Anyone planning to travel along China might want to browse www. chinatraveldepot. com, the official website of the top destination service provider of the country. The site provides information regarding China activities, flights, hotels, tour packages, cars rental, Yangtze cruises, top China tours, prices, and promotions. Basically, what they offer is within- China travel services. But they also provide an option for add- on international travel services by teaming up with Expedia, one of the leading online tour operator in the world. The company also deals with the possibility of customization options and packages to provide the perfect travel destination. China Travel Depot serves over 60 chain stores and outlets located all over China. 10. Extreme Piewww. xtremepie. com It’s up for the hippies to search for the biggest surf, snow, ride, and skate brands online at www. extremepie. com. Nike, Oakley, Nixon, Jansport, Billabong, Converse, Sanuk, Roxy, Havaianas, Element, and Reef are just some of the wide array of brands to choose from. The site features a full assortment of styles that are hip for the current season. Products are categ orized as to usage (by ladies, men, and kids), gift items, and hardware. Extreme Pie offers their customers with a 110% price promise and a good pact of 90 day returns policy(both subject to company’s discretion). The company also gives a deal of free delivery for UK Mainland residents at some point detailed in the terms. 11. Fitness Footwear www. fitnessfootwear. com If someone is looking for quality footwear, fitnessfootwear. com is a must- visit site for him. Trendy and superior footwear from brands like Adidas, Birkenstock, Reebok,The North face, Under Armor Tactical, New Balance, Havaianas, Merrell, Vivo Barefoot, Fitflop, Hi- Tec, and Saucony are in store at www. fitnessfootwear. com. Another great feature of this site is that it has a shoe size converter for UK, Europe, and USA shoes. Visitors can choose from the variety of Running, Toning, Casual, Outdoor men’s and women’s shoes, insoles, socks, and accessories. To top all that, product updates, promotions, and discounts are given to customers who sign up to the FitnessFootwear. com newsletter. 12. Moonbasawww. moonbasa. us Moonbasa is powered by Mola Group, a China- based company established in 2007, which currently have 800 employees. They specialize in women underwear and clothing but also offer other products such as shoes, handbags, home textile used outdoors and indoors, and Euro- style apparel. They have an elite staff of hunting professionals like Terry Drury, Mark Drury, Jay Gregory, Spook Span, Ronnie â€Å"Cuz†Strickland, Hank Parker, Rick Kreuter, Keith Beam, and more. The company started in the 70’s when the owner, Pete Shepley, experimented with new ideas for bow release aids. From flexible plastic arrow vane to replace the feathers, he trialed to the perfection of his first compound bow. Today, the line of PSE products vastly includes Pro Series Bows, Main Line Bows, Field Ready Bows, Recurve Bows, and a lot more.
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