Monday, January 27, 2020
What Does The Internet Mean For Traditional Tv Media Essay
What Does The Internet Mean For Traditional Tv Media Essay As we know, the internet is becoming a new frontier for television. With different online services like Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube, people have changed their total viewing experience being able to use various devices to stream their desired content almost anywhere. With both on-demand and live viewing available on the internet, people have been trading the cable cord for an Ethernet cord in order to watch what they want, when they want. Television has been a huge part of our culture since it was created. The inevitable question that must be asked here is: what does all of this mean for the traditional television? According to Nielsen, in the United States, 143 million people watched TV on the internet in 2011. As we can see this is an exponential rate given that the technology is extremely young. While most Americans would assume that more people would be watching more television on the internet than they would traditionally, data from consumer reports are proving us all wrong. With Americans spending an average of 32 hours and 47 minutes per week watching content on a traditional TV, three hours and 58 minutes each week watching via the Internet on a computer, and just seven minutes a week on a mobile device, we can see that Television is far from being relinquished. With 290 million people and 114.7 million households in the U.S. owning at least one TV, we know that they are certainly not being put to waste. As of right now, the television set is still the primary method of consuming programming. Although the television is still being used more commonly, we are beginning to see a strong shift towards internet services that stream media. We should not look at the internet as an enemy to television, but as more of a companion as it is aiding watchers in a richer programming e xperience. Arrested Development Article Summary #2 Source: After being cancelled in 2006, Fox sitcom Arrested Development gained a cult following. Despite critical acclaim and multiple awards, the show was cancelled due to lackluster viewing numbers after three seasons. Now due to popular demand, the show is being resurrected on Netflix. The new episodes will go straight into the instant viewing queue, never being aired by a network on television. Streaming episodes of Arrested Development have been available on Netflix for some time, and their popularity led to the show being brought back into production. This is a huge, revolutionary moment for television. A show is being produced specifically for a non-television medium. The possibilities for this type of business venture are endless. Down the road, more and more shows could begin to follow in the footsteps of Arrested. There would be no more worrying about getting to the TV by 8:00 so you dont miss the show and no more waiting seven days for a new episode of your favorite show to see whats going to happen next. Then there is the possibility of this type of movement gaining traction and snowballing; that is to say that if tons of shows started doing this, what shows would be left for actual TV? It would take a long time for a medium like television to die completely, but something so convenient and on-demand could catch on quickly. One drawback to this type of programming is that will only be accessible on a TV to those with an Xbox or Playstation 3, but anyone with a laptop (which is everyone in this day and age) could stream episo des as well. NEW WAYS TO WATCH TV Video Clip and Summary Clip: People today are now watching media in new ways at their own leisure and convenience. The media clip chosen discusses the potential internet TV applications have over basic network television or having to go a local store to rent movies. It begins by stating that, millions of people are streaming video from the Internet directly to their TVs, computers, or tablets (Slauson, n.pag). The video provides an example of a woman who normally used to prefer renting movies from a local store. In an interview she discusses the hassle of having to go back and forth to the local store as well as being charged late fees and concludes that internet TV application Netflix has simplified her life tremendously. In a recent poll of Consumer Reports online, Netflix has been stated to be by far the most-used video-streaming application, with more than 80 percent of those who streamed video having used Netflix (Slauson, n.pag). The video went on to discuss other applications such as Vudu, Itunes, and Ama zon Instant video that were chosen to be best services when looking for a great selection of movies. For free content, was the winner, allowing the user to stream TV shows as well as movies free on a computer. In order to watch this service on a TV or a tablet the user would need a Hulu Plus subscription, which is relatively cheap and cost about $8 a month-the same as Netflix (Slauson, n.pag). Consumer Reports also found that many users still preferred renting discs in which case Netflix again one of the best for selection.Various video streaming devices were also discussed for those who do not have internet capabilities on their TVs. Consumer reports found that some gaming systems as well as a lot of new Blu-ray players are great devices which have a lot of the internet TV applications built in. If you dont have one of those, Consumer Reports says a set-top box such as an Apple TV or a Roku Two are good choices. They work with just about any LCD or plasma TV and go for abo ut $100 (Slauson, n.pag). Overall, as one can see Internet TV applications are the new generation of viewing television or media in general. It allows the user total control over what they wish to watch, and how and when they wish to watch it. Questions! Has anyone ever completely watched an entire series on netflix? Would anyone consider not watching a show if new episodes were not available to stream online? 3. Would you watch television shows on your laptop exclusively, or does the size/definition of your screen matter too much? 4. Does the resurrection of Arrested Development mean that viewers now hold more power than ever? 5. Do you find that you watch more TV (including movies and clips) through applications such as Netflix, Hulu, etc? If yes, how often? 6. What devices do you usually view this content on? 7. Do you think it would be worth turning off cable and subscribing to these services?
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Modulation: Computer Software and Unknown Music Virus
Richard Powers’ â€Å"Modulation†is about a mysterious, unhackable music virus that is taking over and controlling the minds of the people it comes in contact with. Out of nowhere this virus comes about and starts to spread vigorously through cyberspace, eating up computer software systems around the world. Not only is this virus spreading to computer systems and to data bases, but it starts spreading through people’s minds. Toshi, Marta, Jan, and Mitchell are the main characters in this story and all are unified throughout by this music virus.Powers tells how each character deals with the virus and how it affects them internally. Toshi, thrilled off of hacking through cyberspace, finally met his match when the RIAA hired him to work for their company. They thought by hiring the man that hacked through their system could defeat such a virus as this one. Toshi, in awe by this unknown music virus, is being beaten internally because it is the one thing he himself c annot beat, but at the same time this scares him because he does not know what it is capable of.The virus was something Toshi had never seen or heard before. It was a new type of music, so haunting and powerful that it imbedded inside his brain. Marta, a reporter reporting on the war in Iraq, hears this catchy tune she had never heard before. It sticks in her head as if it was like an â€Å"earworm†of some sort. This tune she keeps hearing is like a sickness she cannot get rid of. It starts eating at her mind like a virus eats at a computer hard drive. The only way Marta is at ease is when she hears the catchy tune again.The music virus not only sickens her, but also relieves her; making the tune the perfect medication. Not only is it a virus trying to destroy, but it also serves as a firewall against itself. Jan, a recently retired music professor, is searching for something he has never heard before. He wants something new and reinvented to offer society so he can change h ow people look at music. He believes all music should be free and his life passion is discovering world music. As soon as he hears the music virus he knows it is what he had been searching for.This tune was so refined and new, he had never heard such a tune before. After listening to this he knew his lifelong goal had been met. His search for a new and different type of music had been complete. He could now die a happy man. On another note, Mitchell, a music composer, found himself threatened by the music virus. His compositions were starting to sound like the infamous tune. No matter what he did he could not get the catchy tune out of his head. His performance was in danger as he could not produce anything but what was ingrained in his mind by the virus.He soon realizes he can use this threat as an opportunity to achieve greatness in his compositions and as a composer. All of the characters that Powers uses in his short story are unified by this sick, unhackable music virus that ha s only one motive: to spread. Each character deals with the virus to the best of their ability and tries not to let this innovative type of music control and get the best of them in times of vulnerability. Powers tells the readers how each character in the story deals with the music virus, how it affects them internally and how they try to overcome it.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Division and Classification Essay
â€Å"Your Future Is In Your Hands! †A term that many of us know. That saying is true and accurate when it comes to deciding on going back to school. â€Å"Should I go back to school? †A question that tons of people are asking themselves. It is a question that only they, themselves can answer. But there are many benefits of furthering your education. A sense of accomplishment is one of the many reasons people choose to go back. Self accomplishment is a gratifying feeling for most people. Yet many people struggle with the decision of going or not going. People with a higher education tend not only to get the better jobs but the higher paying ones as well. Who wouldn’t want a better, higher paying job? The better paying jobs seem to be the ones everyone is after. Nowadays in order to get those jobs, you need some sort of higher education. The economy can affect your choice in furthering your education. If the economy is not good your chances of going back to school are much better than getting a job, or in some situations, keeping your job. You can further your education and have a better chance of getting a better more satisfying job. Lots if jobs encourage a higher education and are willing to help an employee obtain it. They are willing to work with you by arranging your schedule, being flexible, and in some cases the employer even pays for the schooling. It is a great way to advance within your company. Who wouldn’t want to climb the corporate ladder? Personal satisfaction is a great benefit. Saying, â€Å"I have a college degree or certificate,†is very self-satisfying. It is a pleasing feeling to be satisfied and happy in your life. Many people learn to handle the pressure of deadlines and commitment along with learning social skills. Students learn to socialize with many different types of people, that vary in age. They learn to get along with people they normally would not get along with. People that they may never had met if it weren’t for going to school. Commitment is not always an easy thing to do. Who wants to take the time not only to attend school but pay for it and not totally commit themselves? Not many people. You invest your time, money, and self and you are committed. Your going to succeed. Self-confidence, another benefit, is something many people lack. Going back to school can make one feel good about themselves. The projects, the oral exams and practical exams that are part of college help people build confidence in themselves. Once you accomplish your project, whatever it may be, you will succeed and feel good about it when it’s done. Furthering your education can set a good example for your children, friends and family. They will see you making the choice to further or continue your education and in most cases will do the same. When you pass up playing a video game or watching television because you have homework to do, they will be more likely to do the same. It teaches them responsibility, commitment, time-management, and how to be goal oriented and how to set their priorities, among other things. Education may be a necessity for some and a true passion for others. There are many of opportunities as well as choices when it comes to furthering ones education. It is truly possible for anyone to further their education if they want to. It is never too late to go back to school. There are many benefits of continuing or furthering your education. Though there are quite a few benefits listed here, there are many more. You have to choose the one or ones that are right for you.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Police Corruption And Its Effect On The Police Force
While police forces around the world deal with many types of situations, one type that they should not have to deal with is when a situation comes up with one of their own being caught as a corrupt officer. Dirty cops seem to be able to hide their dirty deeds, but after a while, their actions end up catching up with them. This paper will show what may cause police corruption, steps to prevent corruption, prosecution of corruption, and a plan on how to change the perceptions of the police. Police Corruption happens every day in America. The perception of police in America is dramatically influenced when the corruption becomes known. How can the Police change its image and what should be the repercussions of corruption? â€Å"As the American police force grew in per capita strength from the mid-nineteenth century until the first decade of the twentieth when they reached their present strength, their organization, communication capacity, and uniformed visibility made them civil servants of general resort, called on to run soup kitchens, inspect boilers, standardize weights and measures, and recover lost children.†(Monkkonen, 1992) It was not until the end of the nineteenth century when they began to focus on crime control, so when that started, public response diminished from social servants to stricter laws. Instead of serving in soup kitchens and allowing the housing of homeless people, the amount of police work increased as they were busyShow MoreRelatedSerpico Ethical Issues Essay1517 Words  | 7 Pagesis about a New York police officer, Frank Serpico, or â€Å"Paco†, who got shot in the face for reporting police corruption in the New York Police Department (NYPD). Fellow officers did not help him when he was wounded. This movie portrayed real life events and factors that go on in our police forces today. There are a lot of ethical issues that go on in this movie. Men are beaten, punished, lied to, and deceived by police officers. Serpico testified against all police corruption and was left derelictRead MoreThe Crime Of The Police Essay1629 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction When we think of the police, we normally think of the brave men and women out on the street, enforcing the law, catching criminals, helping out the public in cases of emergency and making us feel safe in general. 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