Technical writing paper
Possible Essay Topics For The Catcher In The Rye
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Amargasaurus Profile
Amargasaurus Profile Name: Amargasaurus (Greek for La Amarga reptile:); articulated ah-MAR-gah-SORE-us Territory: Woodlands of South America Verifiable Period: Early Cretaceous (130 million years back) Size and Weight: About 30 feet in length and three tons Diet: Plants Recognizing Characteristics: Relatively little size; unmistakable spines lining neck and back About Amargasaurus The greater part of the sauropods of the Mesozoic Era looked essentially like practically every other sauropod-long necks, squat trunks, long tails and elephant-like legs-yet Amargasaurus was the special case that demonstrated the standard. This moderately thin plant-eater (just around 30 feet in length from head to tail and a few tons) had a column of sharp spines covering its neck and back, the main sauropod known to have had such a monumental component. (Valid, the later titanosaurs of the Cretaceous time frame, direct relatives of the sauropods, were secured with scutes and spiked handles, however these were not even close as lavish as those on Amargasaurus.) For what reason did the South American Amargasaurus advance such unmistakable spines? Likewise with also prepared dinosaurs (like the cruised Spinosaurus and Ouranosaurus), there are different prospects: the spines may have assisted with discouraging predators, they may have had a job in temperature guideline (that is, on the off chance that they were secured by a dainty fold of skin equipped for dispersing heat), or, in all likelihood, they may essentially have been an explicitly chosen trademark (Amargasaurus guys with increasingly unmistakable spines being progressively alluring to females during mating season). As unmistakable as it seemed to be, Amargasaurus seems to have been firmly identified with two other uncommon sauropods: Dicraeosaurus, which was additionally outfitted with (a lot shorter) spines radiating from its neck and upper back, and Brachytrachelopan, which was recognized by its bizarrely short neck, most likely a transformative adjustment to the kinds of food accessible in its South American natural surroundings. There are different instances of sauropods adjusting decently fast to the assets of their biological systems. Consider Europasaurus, a smallish plant eater that scarcely gauged a solitary ton since it was limited to an island living space. Shockingly, our insight into Amargasaurus is restricted by the way that just a single fossil example of this dinosaur is known, found in Argentina in 1984 yet just portrayed in 1991 by the noticeable South American scientist Jose F. Bonaparte. (Uncommonly, this example incorporates some portion of Amargasaurus skull, an irregularity since the skulls of sauropods are effortlessly isolates from the remainder of their skeletons in the afterlife). Strangely, a similar campaign liable for the revelation of Amargasaurus additionally uncovered the sort example of Carnotaurus, a short-equipped, meat-eating dinosaur that lived around 50 million years after the fact!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company New Product Development Process Essay
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company New Product Development Process - Essay Example Goodyear is among the main tire producing organization on the planet. It has made its quality felt in each edge of the world. The organization began its excursion with 13 workers at its assembling plant in Ohio, USA and from that point forward has developed into an organization which is home to in excess of 70,000 representatives over the world. The organization with its nonstop difficult work has ascended without any preparation to turn into a billion dollar organization. Goodyear with net deals of $22.8 billion (starting at 2011) is most likely driving the best approach to not exclusively be the top tire producing organization in North America yet additionally on the planet (Goodyear, n.d). This task report on Goodyear will distinguish the possibilities identified with new item advancement. New item improvement is a basic perspective for the organization in the relentless serious market. Item improvement is constantly founded on certain criteria’s which in any case can profi t Goodyear as an organization as far as piece of the pie and income age. The motivation behind this undertaking is to examine Goodyear’s technique and procedure in growing new item. This venture underscores on the need of new item improvement and its significance. Goodyear has been in the business for quite a while and the undertaking will assess the company’s future possibilities in setting to new item advancement. Tire advertise is a colossal market with numerous contenders. The venture will address certain inquiries, for example, why new item improvement is the need of great importance and how might it change the fortune of a company?... The organization with its ceaseless difficult work has ascended without any preparation to turn into a billion dollar organization. Goodyear with net deals of $22.8 billion (starting at 2011) is clearly driving the best approach to not exclusively be the top tire fabricating organization in North America yet additionally on the planet (Goodyear, n.d). This undertaking report on Goodyear will distinguish the possibilities identified with new item advancement. New item advancement is a basic viewpoint for the organization in the relentless serious market. Item improvement is constantly founded on certain criteria’s which in any case can profit Goodyear as an organization as far as piece of the overall industry and income age. Reason The motivation behind this undertaking is to dissect Goodyear’s technique and philosophy in growing new item. This venture underlines on the need of new item advancement and its significance. Goodyear has been in the business for quite a while and the venture will assess the company’s future possibilities in setting to new item improvement. Tire advertise is a colossal market with numerous contenders around which makes the new item advancement significantly progressively significant for Goodyear. The venture will respond to specific inquiries, for example, why new item improvement is the need of great importance and how might it change the fortune of an organization? Tire showcase is not any more limited to the created countries as the rising economies of the world are driving the path regarding tire utilization with the ascent in number of vehicles employing on the streets. It comes as an open door for the organization and the undertaking breaks down what are the manners in which Goodyear can adapt to the ascent sought after by offering bleeding edge innovation to its clients. Foundation Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company was established in the year 1898 by Frank A. Seiberling in Ohio, USA.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
This Probably Isnt for You
This Probably Isn’t for You Bex and I are fifteen feet from the bandstand, waiting for one of our favorite musicians to take the stage. A sizable crowd has congregated on the dry grass around us, and my back hurts from all this standing on unforgiving turf. Beyond the platform, the sun is setting behind clouds that look more like pastel sand dunes than collections of condensed water in the atmosphere. I’m fidgeting slightly in anticipation, hoping I didn’t waste my money after witnessing the forgettable band that opened the show. I hope this turns out to be a good concert. Wait. A good concert for whom? Don’t get me wrong, the opener wasn’t bad: they were well-rehearsed and well-dressed, and they performed with vigor. But there were too many electric guitars (for my taste). The songs were too heavy (for my taste). And the drums were too … umm … drummy (for my taste). My taste. But most of the crowd wholeheartedly enjoyed the opening band, drummy drums and all. I’ve attended at least a hundred concerts in my lifetime, and most of my fondest memories are of discovering gifted opening acts who surprised me with their music, even though much of the crowd was fidgeting for the headliner, so just because I wasnt entertained by this particular band, that doesn’t give me the right to snarkily critique them. Noâ€"if other people took pleasure in their set, then that means it simply wasn’t for me. And that’s okay. The same seems to be true in a broader sense as well: my favorite movies, books, and songs are not objectively good or bad, and yet you may not get the same value from them as I do. And that’s okay: if you dont enjoy them, then they probably arent for youâ€"theyre for someone else. So dont waste your timeâ€"let go, move on. But, while you walk away, you neednt deprive the rest of the crowd by casting shade on the maker of the thing. Ditto for whatever The Minimalists create: our documentary, our podcast, our books, this blog. As long as Ryan and I can look ourselves in the mirror and honestly say, “We believe this is exceptional; this piece is absolutely the best we could have done given the resources we have,†then we will give ourselves permission to release our creation to the world, warts and all. Millions of people have found value in our body of work, but if you dont, thats okayâ€"it isnt for everybody. The more you create, the more you will be criticized. And that, too, is okay, because some criticism is helpful, especially when it is solicited from people you trustâ€"evaluators who help build your building taller, stronger, better. This type of criticism is rare, and thats what makes it precious. Other criticism, however, is a greater reflection of the critic himself: the trolling, the indignation, the tearing down of buildingsâ€"these are all neon signs that say, “This isnt for me!†So next time I get ready to feebly condemn someones work, perhaps I should ask myself: “Is this objectively bad, or is this just not for me?†If it’s the former, then I must ask, “How can my critique be useful?†Because if my feedback is only veiled venting, then Ive done nothing but contribute to the recreational outrage I so despise. If it’s the latter, then perhaps I’m best served by keeping my mouth shut and looking for something that is, in fact, for me. And next time someone criticizes you, consider this: your creation probably isnt for that criticâ€"its for someone else. Suddenly, a spotlight illuminates the stage, the main act mans their instruments, and I’m back in the moment, buoyed by the increasing roar of the crowd. The music starts, and it’s truly outstanding: we are all singing along off-key to every chorus and begging for an encore when the lights go dark. This definitely was for me. The opening act wasn’t, though, and that’s okayâ€"sometimes we have to wade through the waters of dislike before we arrive at something we love. Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Lord Of The Flies By William Golding - 1883 Words
Jack’s Journey To Supremacy â€Å" One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.†- Josef Stalin. When looked back at history, dictatorship has always been a cause of death and destruction. Power is not achieved individually and hence requires support of the society.Unfortunately, this can also be harmful and dangerous for the society. Lord of the Flies by William Golding is an allegory of the most ruthless dictator in history, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. Golding, an english novelist, playwright, and poet, fought in the Royal Navy during WWII. Golding’s Lord of the Flies novel is not just about the boys on the island, but also the evil inherent in humans when all rules and laws are taken away. The horrors committed by Hitler is still†¦show more content†¦Golding focuses Lord of the Flies on two important aspects of human nature, intelligence and destruction. A society only functions when intelligence limits destruction. According to Goldin g, fear disrupts this balance. He uses characters like Jake, who represent the dark side of humanity and Simon, who represents a godly figure and is compelled to witness the declivity of humanity. Furthermore, when the idea of fear is brought up by the littlun on the island, chaos immediately disrupts the silence at the meeting. At this stage of the meeting, Jack tries to persuade the boys that he would protect them by killing the beast. Jack urges that, â€Å"Ralph’s right of course. There isn’t a snake thing. But if there was a snake we’d hunt it and kill it. We’re going to hunt pigs to get meat for everybody. And we’ll look for the snake too †(Golding, 36). Jack just discovered the hunt and is obsessed with it. Jack also introduces the idea of â€Å"killing†on the island. So if there is a beast on the island, he will hunt it. Jack at this point realizes that the only way he can now come to power is by killing the beast which woul d make the other boys on the island secure. Though Jack does not believe in the beast, he takes up the responsibility to kill the beast just to bring in confidence in the boys on the island. In fact, he also includes the boys in his hunt gaining their support. He expresses himself and
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Ethics Of Scientific Knowledge - 3566 Words
Cortni Volkman 7/30/2015 Science surrounds just about every aspect of human interaction but where does this scientific knowledge come from? The communication of scientific knowledge trickles in a fashion opposite to that of the filtration of water through a carbon scrubber, where the highest concentration of pure scientific knowledge exists within the prestigious community of scientists and scientific knowledge within the academic and public communities has to be filtered from the other particles of ideas, leaving much room for interpretation. This paper will explore these different interactions among various communities and how it shapes communication of scientific knowledge. One such community is that of the very scientists who do the research and publications which supply much of the scientific knowledge we know today. However, research and publishing is heavily time consuming and expensive so many scientist must seek out funding. Bias, or a conflict of interest, can be argued to exist in all aspects of s cience depending on when and how results are obtained. It is without discourse than to argue that all research, even that done at collegiate level, has some amount of bias whether from the funding received, the council from professors or advisors, or the availability of more advanced technology to obtain data (Krimsky 2012). Such bias from technological means can even limit what scientists can publish. Often the military relies on scientists for their expertise inShow MoreRelatedEssay on Views on the Importance of Science1010 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferent views on the importance of scientific concepts in comparison to other branches of knowledge. In order to determine if it is reasonable to believe that science is a supreme form of knowledge, firstly we must determine what knowledge is. Knowledge can be seen as the act of knowing or understanding gained through experience or study. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Integrity, Confidentiality and Professional Behavior of Internal Auditors Free Essays
Integrity According to The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), â€Å"The integrity of internal auditors established trust and thus provides the basis for reliance on their judgement†. IIA further added that to be integrity, internal auditors: * Shall perform their work with honestly, diligence, and responsibility. * Shall observe the law and make disclosures expected by the law and the profession. We will write a custom essay sample on Integrity, Confidentiality and Professional Behavior of Internal Auditors or any similar topic only for you Order Now * Shall not knowingly be a party to any illegal activity, or engage in acts that are discreditable to the profession * Shall respect and contribute to the legitimate and ethical objectives of the organization. According to the 2009 Global Integrity Survey conducted by Compliance Week and Integrity Interactive, polled more than 150 ethics and compliance executives at global companies worldwide. The survey shown that nearly two-third (64 percent) of respondents use risk assessment specifically to review their integrity risks and to modify their programs as necessary. It also shown that 57 percent said their internal auditors have periodically audit their integrity programs and functions. Besides that, the survey shown that nearly 80 percent of respondents commented they use the internal audit function to some extent. Melissa Klein Aguilar (2009) further added that internal audit departments play an important role in ensuring the effectiveness of the company’s integrity function. IIA do also issue a guidance says that internal auditors should â€Å"evaluate the design, implementation, and effectiveness of the organization’s ethics-related objectives, programs, and activities. Confidentiality According to Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), confidentiality is one of the four principles that internal auditors are expected to apply and uphold. IIA further explain that under confidentiality’s principle, internal auditors respect the value and ownership of information they receive and do not disclose information without appropriate authority unless there is a legal or professional obligation to do so. IIA had also outlined the rules of conduct for confidentiality, in which internal auditors: * Shall be prudent in the use and protection of information acquired in the course of their duties. * Shall not use information for any personal gain or in any manner that would be contrary to the law or detrimental to the legitimate and ethical objectives of the organization. Office of Internal Audit of Wayne State University further elaborates the rules of conduct that internal auditors are expected to follow in compliance with confidentiality’s principle. It stated that internal auditors shall: * Not participate in any activity or relationship that may impair or be presumed to impair their unbiased assessment. This participation includes those activities or relationships that may be in conflict with the interest of the organization. * Not accept anything that may impair or be presumed to impair their professional judgment. * Disclose all material facts known to them that, if not disclosed, may distort the reporting of activities under review. Be prudent in the use and protection of information acquired in the course of their duties. * Not use information for any personal gain or in any manner that would be contrary to the law or detrimental to the legitimate and ethical objectives of the organization. According to Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, this principle is pertinent to internal auditors as they have access to a wide range of information and the employing organization needs to be assured that accessed information will be treated confidentially. Internal auditors also gather information through interviews, and interviewees need to feel assured that the information provided will be treated appropriately. Numerous corporate fraud cases happen in recent century such as Enron and WorldCom have triggered not only extensive academic whistleblowing studies, but also have caused legal ramifications that have led to the passage of Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 (Eaton Akers, 2007; Lacavo Ripley, 2003). Before this, there are limited studies that have used internal auditors as subjects. This could be because to the argument that the reporting make by internal auditors on corporate wrongdoings is not an act of whistleblowing, but is the role on internal auditor within the ambit of their profession (Jubb, 2000). Xu and Ziegenfuss counter-argue that what Cynthia Cooper (an internal auditor) did in the WorldCom was considered as whistleblowing, this shown that public may perceive that the internal auditor as a whistleblower. Another possibility is because of misperception that whistleblowing only relates to reporting parties outside of the organization (Keenan Krueger, 1992). According to Eaton Akers, 2007; Figg, 2000; Keenan Krueger, 1992; Near Miceli, 2008, whistleblowing can in fact occur internally or externally. Near and Miceli (1995) argue that internal auditors have higher credibility and power as whistleblower than other organizational members as they are more likely to influence management to terminate wrongdoing. According to The Global Economic Crime Survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCooper (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2009), internal auditing profession is indeed an important role in organizations as most frauds were detected by internal audit. It was supported by Miceli et al. (2008) states compared to other professions, the highest reported observation of wrongdoing was reported by internal auditors. Because of the nature of their works, internal auditors have directly or indirectly seen or confronted many opportunities for corporate wrongdoing and unethical acts to occurs, and the responsibility of disclosure of any wrongdoing is embedded in their job description (Near Miceli, 1985). Another issue is on whether or not internal auditors should whistleblow when they discover organizational wrongdoings. Internal auditors always face situations that involve conflict of interest while executing their dual-role duties (Armold Ponemon, 1991; E. Z. Taylor Curtis, 2010). The dual-role duties mentioned here are the role of internal auditors as employed by the organization, which subject to the needs and requirements of their employment, and the role as members of a professional body, they are required to adhere to the profession’s ethical requirements. Ahmad and Taylor support the view and assert that the role of internal auditors in providing auditing tasks for their organizational may cause ongoing conflicts. Zhang, Chiu and Wei (2009) argue that the â€Å"disclosing insider information to outsider’s breaches obligation to the organization, violates the written or unspoken contract, and elicits damaging publicity†. However, ethically, internal whistleblowing, as opposed to external whistleblowing, is preferred. This is due to severe damage caused by external whistleblowing as compared to internal whistleblowing (Park Blenkinsopp, 2009). In order to avoid the severe damages caused by whistleblowing, Vinten (1996) has suggested that an organization may minimize the risk by internalizing the whistleblowing procedure as part of the corporate communications. By having a proper whistleblowing procedure, organizations stand to benefit from actions of whistleblowers that may cause further substantial adverse consequences such as loss of sales, costly lawsuits and negative publicity. Professional Behaviour The general public demand professional accountants maintain a high ethical standard in order to maintain public confidence in the accountancy profession (Gordon Kiernander, 2009). The ethical principles that guide the work of auditors are listed as follows: * Integrity * Objectivity * Professional Competence and Due Care * Confidentiality * Professional Behavior (Farid Kerimov, 2011) Then, the professional behavior has been defined as high expectations for the auditing profession include compliance with laws and regulations and avoidance of any conduct that might bring discredit to auditors’ work, including actions that would cause an objective third party with knowledge of the relevant information to conclude that the auditors’ work was professionally deficient. Professional behavior includes auditors’ putting forth an honest effort in performance of their duties and professional services in accordance with the relevant technical and professional standards (Government Auditing Standards, 2010). The main objective of an auditor is to purvey services at the highest standards of performance to satisfy public interest (Michael C. Knapp, 2009). However, frequently, users don’t have the needful ability to appreciate if the services offered by the auditor are or are not in accordance qualitatively with their requests, reason of which they are forced to accept till the contrary test that the auditors act in a competent and professional way. The guarantee of integrity and professional competency of an auditor can be assured by the adhesion of them at an ethical code of the profession to which they belong (R. A. Kishore Nadkarni, 2000). If internal auditors or the internal audit activity is prohibited by law or regulation from conformance with certain parts of the Standards, conformance with all other parts of the Standards and appropriate disclosures are needed. Then, IIA’s International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) is essential in meeting the responsibilities of internal auditors and the internal audit activity (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010). According to IIA’s International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) Internal auditing is conducted in diverse legal and cultural environments; within organizations that vary in purpose, size, complexity, and structure; and by persons within or outside the organization. While differences may affect the practice of internal auditing in each environment, conformance with The IIA’s International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) is essential in meeting the responsibilities of internal auditors and the internal audit activity (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010). Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing differentiate among the varied responsibilities of the entity, the internal audit department, the director of internal auditing, and internal auditors. The responsibilities as a consultant or internal auditor are listed as follows: I. Internal auditors should be independent of the activities they audit. II. Internal audits should be performed with proficiency and due professional care. III. The scope of internal auditing should encompass the examination and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization’s system of internal control and the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities. IV. Audit work should include planning the audit, examining and evaluating information, communication results, and follow up. V. The Director of Internal Auditing Should Properly Manage the Internal Audit Department. (IIA Standards, 2010) The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (the Act) amended the Employment Rights Act 1996 and created a right to redress, enforceable by tribunal, in the event of unfair discrimination or dismissal by one’s employer as a result of â€Å"whistleblowing†– making a disclosure in the public interest. The Act sets conditions as to the subject matter of the disclosure, the motivation and beliefs of the worker, and the person(s) to whom the disclosure is made (Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998). According to Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, the purposes of the act are: I. It aims to help prevent such disasters and corporate malpractice in general by encouraging workers with relevant information to come forward responsibly. II. The Act seeks to achieve this by offering a right to redress in the event of victimization if workers raise their concerns in the ways specified in the legislation. III. It is also hoped that the Act will promote a change in culture amongst employers, and encourage them to establish procedures to receive disclosures in good faith and act on them appropriately. The scope of the Act includes disclosures which, in the reasonable belief of the worker, show one or more of the following, taking place either in the past, the present, or likely to take place in the future: * A crime; Breach of a legal obligation (regulatory, administrative, contract law or common law); * Miscarriage of justice; (for which the appropriate prescribed person in England and Wales is the Chief Executive of the Criminal Cases Review Commission); * Danger to health and safety; (for which the appropriate prescribed person is the Health and Safety Executive, or the relevant local authority); * Damage to the environme nt; (for which the appropriate prescribed person in England and Wales is the Environment Agency); or * Attempts to cover up such malpractice. Apart from that, whistleblowers making an external disclosure to a prescribed person, instead of to their employer or via internal procedures, will be entitled to redress under the Act in the event that they suffer unfair discrimination or dismissal provided they: * make the disclosure in good faith; * reasonably believe that the information, and any allegation it contains, are substantially true; and * reasonably believe that the matter falls within the description of matters for which the person is prescribed. How to cite Integrity, Confidentiality and Professional Behavior of Internal Auditors, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
John Marshall the Great Chief Justice free essay sample
John Marshall: The Great Chief Justice John Marshall was born in Figurer County, Virginia on September 4, 1755. He was the first son of Thomas Marshall and Mary Randolph Keith. His role in American history is undoubtedly a very important one. As a boy, Marshall was educated by his father. He learned to read and write, along with some lessons in history and poetry. At the age of fourteen, he was sent away to school, and a year later he returned home to be tutored by a Scottish pastor who lived with the Marshall family. As a young college student, John Marshall was particularly impressed by the structures of professor George Withy.Withy was a lawyer, judge, and a signer of the constitution. Other students Of professor Withy were Thomas Jefferson, John Befriending, and Henry Clay. Marshall became a layover at the age of twenty five. As Brian Mincing says about Marshall in the article, His first cases were not important, but he handled them well and made a favorable impression on his neighbors; so favorable that they sent him to Richmond in 1 782 as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates. We will write a custom essay sample on John Marshall: the Great Chief Justice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He became a prominent lawyer and was on his way to a successful future. Mr.. Marshall worked under the administration of John Adams starting in 1798.He was offered the position of attorney general under George Washingtons administration, but declined because he wanted to stay with his family and practice law in his home town of Richmond, Virginia. He was one of three delegates sent to France by John Adams in 1798. His reasoning for taking the job in France was partly because it was only a temporary mission and also because he wanted to be of service to his country, aiding in peaceful relations with F-range. When he found out that France expected to be paid, he as outraged and believed they were soliciting bribery.Although the mission to France was a failure, he returned to the US a hero. Marshall was appointed to the position of secretary of state by John Adams in 1800. He was put in charge of foreign affairs and was often left in charge of the government when Adams was gone. Then, later that year, he was appointed to be chief justice of the US by Adams before Thomas Jefferson took over the presidency. Thomas Jefferson soon took office and John Marshall was now chief justice. Although the two were distant cousins, they held very different positions and longed to opposing political parties. Jefferson believed that the constitution should be interpreted strictly to keep the governments power relatively low. In the article, Mr.. Mincing sums up Marshals views of what government should be: Marshall believed in a strong central government, in the Constitution as the key to the laws of the land, and in courts as the supreme custodians of those lawsviews that would influence his shaping of the Supreme Court. Marshall believed that the Constitution should not be interpreted as strict, allowing the government to become more powerful. Possibly the most important case of its time was Mammary vs.. Madison in 1803. In this case, John Marshals ruling set an extremely important precedent. His ruling declared that a law was unconstitutional, therefore setting a precedent giving the Supreme Court the power to declare laws unconstitutional. Because of this ruling alone, John Marshall is a very prominent figure in American history and American law, but his achievements do not end at that. During John Marshals life, and particularly during his reign as chief justice, the power of the judicial branch became equally powerful to the other branches of the US government.
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