Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Ethics Of Scientific Knowledge - 3566 Words
Cortni Volkman 7/30/2015 Science surrounds just about every aspect of human interaction but where does this scientific knowledge come from? The communication of scientific knowledge trickles in a fashion opposite to that of the filtration of water through a carbon scrubber, where the highest concentration of pure scientific knowledge exists within the prestigious community of scientists and scientific knowledge within the academic and public communities has to be filtered from the other particles of ideas, leaving much room for interpretation. This paper will explore these different interactions among various communities and how it shapes communication of scientific knowledge. One such community is that of the very scientists who do the research and publications which supply much of the scientific knowledge we know today. However, research and publishing is heavily time consuming and expensive so many scientist must seek out funding. Bias, or a conflict of interest, can be argued to exist in all aspects of s cience depending on when and how results are obtained. It is without discourse than to argue that all research, even that done at collegiate level, has some amount of bias whether from the funding received, the council from professors or advisors, or the availability of more advanced technology to obtain data (Krimsky 2012). Such bias from technological means can even limit what scientists can publish. Often the military relies on scientists for their expertise inShow MoreRelatedEssay on Views on the Importance of Science1010 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferent views on the importance of scientific concepts in comparison to other branches of knowledge. In order to determine if it is reasonable to believe that science is a supreme form of knowledge, firstly we must determine what knowledge is. Knowledge can be seen as the act of knowing or understanding gained through experience or study. 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